Coffee, And with your Spirit, 17kHz, Bulusan calamity
..especially among heavy alcohol drinkers. .. a study of more than 125,000 people....Kaiser Permanente, suggests that drinkers of four or more cups of coffee a day are five times less likely to get cirrhosis than non-coffee drinkers. Even one cup a day cuts the risk by a third.
..Tea drinking offered no protection.
..sunscreens don't defend nearly as well against the UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin and are more likely to cause skin cancer and wrinkles. ..
..the best protection against UVA .. includes zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or avobenzone. [there is a 'transparent' zinc oxide sunscreen with 'nanoparticles' but I cant source it]
JPII has struck from beyond the grave, his orders for a more Latinate mass are obeyed.
"The Lord be with you/And with your spirit."
Sounds fine to an old altarboy
"Liturgiam authenticam, was a turning point in the process. It said that in any translation "great caution is to be taken to avoid a wording or style that the Catholic faithful would confuse with the manner of speech of non-Catholic ecclesial communities or other religions."
- So the process seems to be: those nasty Hillsong types pack in thousands, so lets NOT be anything like them. Popularity is so vulgar.
SkySails makes ships "fly" - and cuts fuel costs and pollution
Hamburg..A huge towing kite attached with a single cable. ..optimal height 100 - 300 m..wind potential is 2-3 times..
..3-5 tonnes of fuel can be saved daily ..daily $1,200
Stolberg 2007 145m "Beluga SkySails" to be launched .. the sky sail 160 msq.. later ..up to 4x
.. fuel cut by 10 - 35% . up to 50%. half of the days at sea..
300,000 - 2.4 million euros per year
..cargo ships at15 knots. At higher speeds, the system is less efficient. of 40,000 merchant ships
can you hear 17kHz? I cant, which means I dont need expensive tweeters.
Bulusan, one of the six most active volcanoes in the Philippines, has had five ash eruptions since March.
Officials have warned residents in three towns of Sorsogon province not to venture within 4 km of the 1,559-meter volcano because of the risk of sudden explosions.
Casiguran town, on Bulusan's northern slopes, was declared under a state of calamity on Friday
[Sorsogon has bunches of Butanding (whalesharks) in April] [theres something very RP about that word 'calamity']

Sea Level
sites I likes, but..:
scitechdaily is a terrific science site
but its parent Arts&Letters Daily is heavily rightist & reactionary. Aint Science grand?
has some nifty blog hints, but beware, too much futzing with your blog, all those loggers, categorizers, counters and fancy dodads can slow the load.
Today weblensblogs wouldnt load because it preloads labelr, which choked.
Coffee Spirit 17kHz calamity
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