teamgeis, NZ: Sedition, Oriana, Browne

bayer +teamgeist
(Pay attention sports fans, The ball is no longer 12+20, it now has 14 panels
- old style ball seen in ANZ, Tele cartoon...)

Laotian rock rat

Twike: 5kW 85kph 236- 272kg peakoil
NZ: Sedition & Iron Sands
We call upon all like-minded New Zealanders to take similar action of their own to send a clear message that such a gross, blatantly racist injustice to the Maori people will never be accepted.Timothy Selwyn.. claims he only asked for help from heavily militant {sic} members of Black Power, so that they could discuss the Foreshore and Seabed legislation.
Ake! Ake! Ake!
nzherald who said Palmie boring? Saturday June 10, 2006
Rayed Mohammed Abdullah Ali, was admitted to New Zealand in February on a student visa..
on May 29 police and immigration officials raided Ali's Palmerston North home and deported him.
..Ali had lived and trained in Phoenix, Arizona, with fellow Saudi Hani Hanjour.. Hanjour is believed [sic] to have piloted American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon..
....Abdullah was a leader at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Phoenix where, the FBI says, he "reportedly gave extremist speeches at the mosque".
..Abdullah attended the same Phoenix flight school as Hanjour and the pair used a flight simulator together on June 23, 2001.
(report of a report of a report - maybe NZ should use the English police method - burst in at dawn with no identification, and shoot the bugger in his bedroom.)
sfu peak gas in 2008?
Geoge Monbiot on nukes
11 June 2006 .. In 2 years, Britian's.. £4.2bn surplus on trade in oil and gas has turned into a deficit of £1bn.
On trade in coal, a deficit of £527m in 2003 had turned into one of £1.6bn by last year
In the same period, the balance of trade in electricity shifted from a modest surplus of £12m in 2003 to a £325m deficit.

Evil Lord threatens our world:
..Browne, BP's chief executive, .. .."It is very likely that, in the medium term, prices will stand at about $40 .. In the very long run, even $25 to $30 are possible," ..little likelihood of prices dropping back sharply in the short term but dismissed notions that the price could only go up as scarcity increased. Large new oilfields were still being found, he said..
He also noted that Canada's oil sands could also be exploited profitably...
BP has so far kept away from these "unconventional" oil projects but Shell has been investing enthusiastically in the tar schemes of Alberta, Canada, buying up companies engaged in such output.
[Browne was spouting that $40 line last November.. stuck in a time-warp?]
This is such evil crap, this man is one of the leading Life-destroyers, he should be shot immediately
Tar sand oil makes twice the CO2 than Saudi oil. Add that to oil-from coal and we have a double whammy,
expensive, dirty fuel. Browne may well be correct one day, when world-wide economic collapse renders any industrial fuel irrelevant.
"as consumers sought cheaper energy sources" (bend over and smell the methane?)
Oriana, will she survive her trial? Has she become a dreadful old bat?
“If I’m alive, I will go to my friends in Carrara—you know, where there is the marble. They are all anarchists. With them, I take the explosives. I make you juuump in the air. I blow it up! With the anarchists of Carrara. I do not want to see this mosque—it’s very near my house in Tuscany. I do not want to see a twenty-four-metre minaret in the landscape of Giotto.
teamgeist Sedition Oriana Browne
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