Jihad , Ruppert, SCO, Athabasca
This am on AM an AFP reporter (name sounded like "Sham"?) said the killings in West Baghdad were a new phase. The Western, Sunni suburn "Jihad" had not previously been a trouble spot. But on Sunday fake checkpoints and home invasions lasting several hours led to 40+ killings. So much for the "despite an ongoing security plan" as yahoonews calls it. see bbc
Urgent Message From Mike Ruppert
Between the hours of 7:30 P.M. Sunday, June 25 and 7:30 A.M., Monday, June 26, the FTW offices were burglarized. Four interior doors were smashed with a sledgehammer. All seven FTW computers were transported to a central location in the building. Their covers were removed and they were also smashed with a sledgehammer. No other significant property was taken..
.. I do not believe that this incident was the work of the U.S. government. I do believe that this is the work of an organized meth ring that I prevented from infiltrating my business. As Dmitri Orlov has noted in Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century, when societies collapse, organized crime becomes much more assertive. As beautiful as Southern Oregon is and as happy as I am to be here, the challenges that will be facing all of us as Peak Oil hits are making themselves known.
Peak Oil:
maps & cartography
5 top science blogs
nature 50 science blogs
Human journey, (minus the Pacific voyages)
At the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 15, Iran will be inducted as a full SCO member
China, Russia welcome Iran into the fold
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which maintained it had no plans for expansion, is now changing course. Mongolia, Iran, India and Pakistan, which previously had observer status, will become full members. SCO's decision to welcome Iran into its fold constitutes a political statement. Conceivably, SCO would now proceed to adopt a common position on the Iran nuclear issue at its summit meeting June 15.
[No 15June06 statement on Iran yet seen]
guinness the rhythm of life
millerandlevine flagellum evolving
Behe boohoo

improved measurements of the CMB anisotropies indicated that the universe was spatially flat, in perfect accord with the combined supernova and matter-density measurements. If you were to plot the inferred density of both matter and cosmological constant, the constraints from the three different techniques — supernovae, matter dynamics (clusters or large-scale structure) and the CMB — the allowed regions overlapped in perfect harmony.
Leon Trotsky "They are haunted by the spectre of revolution, and they give it a man’s name."
What is it about the Airbus A310, an extremely safe plane, with a few very odd crashes:
March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia
Lost control and crashed after the captain had allowed at least one child to play with the controls
12 November 2001 an Airbus A310,(Flight 587 ) American Airlines, crashed just after take-off from New York's JFK..
..after a pilot maneuvered so roughly that the jet lost its tail [!].. No passengers have died on a [USA registered?]jet flight since then.
March 6, 2005, pilots aboard a Canadian airline flight from Cuba to Quebec heard a loud bang followed by vibrations that lasted several seconds. The Air Transat Airbus A310 carrying 271 people was able to return to Cuba, but it had lost its rudder, a moveable panel at the tail that keeps a jet stable.
July2006: Russian A310 slides off runway, burns.. children blamed for blocking the exits...
On the topic of crashes: NIST Computer simulation showing the impact of a Boeing 767 aircraft engine into an exterior wall panel and two core columns of a WTC tower.
wtc7 complains that NIST didnt simulate the faster-than-freefall collapse of WTCI II VII...
metropipe (?)
A scientific expedition disembarks from its plane at the final outpost of civilization in the deepest Amazon rain forest. They immediately notice the ceaseless thrumming of native drums. As they venture further into the bush, the drums never stop, day or night, for weeks.
The lead scientist asks one of the natives about this, and the native's only reply is "Drums good. Drums never stop. Very BAD if drums stop."
The drumming continues, night and day, until one night, six weeks into the trip, when the jungle is suddenly silent. Immediately the natives run screaming from their huts, covering their ears. The scientists grab one boy and demand "What is it? The drums have stopped!"
The terror-stricken youth replies "Yes! Drums stop! VERY BAD!"
The scientists ask "Why? Why? What will happen?"
Wild-eyed, the boy responds,
" . . . BASS SOLO!!!" -
ruckus .. Canada feeding US oil addiction:
..this proposed development will spread across 2200 miles of pristine arctic land untouched yet in North America, to deliver 37 trillion cubic feet within 2 natural gas pipelines to fuel the Athabasca Tar Sands Oil Development in Northern Alberta. For most people, there is no knowledge out there that the tar sands development is and will be the dirtiest and most destructive oil development known and it will contribute devastatingly to more global climate change and impact the face of the Arctic.
Southpark the scientomogy episode

Bait Lahya
pfizer Chantix (varenicline tartrate)
4 trials .. 2,000 cigarette smokers. ..21 cigarettes per day for 25 years...
..patients receiving a 12-week course of Chantix (1 mg twice daily) 4x likelihood of quitting than .. placebo and 2x buproprion (150 mg twice daily)
After 1 year, 1 in 5 ..remained smoke-free.
Shallow Ancestors
physorg 5,000 to 7,000 years ago.. every person who was alive at that time is either an ancestor to all 6 billion people living today, or their line died out and they have no remaining descendants.
pacificdomes Bucky domes survive
This new imaging method shows that the interior structure of atomic displacements within single nanocrystals can be obtained by direct inversion of the diffraction pattern. We hope one day this will be applied to determine the structure of single protein molecules placed in the femtosecond beam of a free-electron laser.
Synchrotron X-ray radiation, produced by electron accelerators at central facilities, can now be produced in extremely narrow coherent beams. When these X-rays illuminate a crystal of nanometre dimensions a diffraction pattern emerges that is highly resolved. This provides a powerful new tool for structural analysis,
Jihad Ruppert SCO Athabasca
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