Benny 16 , Twike, Ways To Know You Are A Filipino, Anna Liza Gandia, Techie sites
No Vulgar chords in the Vulgate.
Benny 16 has caught up with PP IV June 1565, and has accepted polyphony. Another 400 years and he may accept the demonic interval. God forbid the RC church should become popular.
As a schoolboy, I liked nothing more than to hear of the death of a priest, since that meant us choirboys heading to St Mary of the Angels to belt out that old chestnut "Dies Iræ" . It seems that Vatican II dumped this because it. . ."overemphasized judgment, fear, and despair" I trust that Benny. will bring it back.
1 Day of wrath and terror looming!
Heaven and earth to ash consuming,
David's word and Sibyl's truth foredooming!
2 What horror must invade the mind,
when the approaching judge shall find,
and sift the deeds of all mankind.

Weight without batteries: 55kg Battery SLA: 18 - 36kg Battery NiMH: 8,1 - 16,2kg Laden weight: 190kg continuous power: 600W Aerodynamic drag (CwA): 0.13 m? Maximum speed*: 45 km/h Range: 25 - 50 km*

Twike?? electric tricycle
Ways To Know You Are A Filipino
1. You point with your lips
2. You nod upwards to greet someone.
3. You collect items from hotels or restaurants "for souvenir".
4. You smile for no reason.
5. You flirt by having a foolish grin in your face while raising your eyebrows repeatedly.
6. You go to a department store and try to bargain the prices.
7. You add an unwarranted "H" to your name, i.e. "Jhun," "Bhoy," "Rhon."
8. You put your hands together in front of you as if to make a path and say "excuse,excuse" when you pass in between people or in front of the TV
9. You like everything imported or "state-side."
10. You Check the labels on clothes to see where it was made before buying.
11. You always offer food to all your visitors.
12. You say "comfort room" instead of "bathroom."
13. You say "for take out" instead of "to go."
14. You asked for "Colgate" instead of "toothpaste."
15. You asked for a "pentel-pen" or a "ball-pen" instead of just "pen."
16. You order a McDonald's instead of "hamburger"(pronounced ham-boor-jer)
17. You say "Ha?" instead of "What."
18. You say "Hoy" to get someone's attention.
19. You answer when someone yells "Hoy."
20. You turn around when someone says "Psst!"
21. Your sneeze sounds like "ahh-ching" instead of "ahh-choo."
22. You prefer to make acronyms for phrases such as "OA" for over acting, or "TNT" for,well, you know.
23. You say "air con" instead of "a/c" or air conditioner.
24. You say "brown-out" instead of "black-out."
25. You have a portrait of "The Last Supper" hanging in your dining room.
26. You own a Karaoke System.
27. You own a piano that no one ever plays.
28. You own a "barrel man" (you pull up the barrel and you see something that looks familiar. schwing...)
29. You refer to your VCR as a "beytamax
30. You have a giant wooden fork and spoon hanging somewhere in the dining room
31. Your car has too many "burloloys" like a Jipneys back in P.I.
32. You hang a Rosary on your car's rear view mirror.
33. You order a "soft drink" instead of a "soda."
34. You refer to seasonings and all other forms of monosodium glutimate as "Ajinomoto"
35. This you 'll agree 100% ... Goldilocks" means more to you than just a character in a fairytale.
19. having a mini plantation of out of the ordinary vegetables like upo and chayote and ampalaya
Not mentioned: Chowking..Jollibee also acquired the local franchise for Delifrance.. It
also bought Greenwich
Some Americans try Jollibee - and you thought USAnian food was gross?
another RP site:
Yesterday Anna Liza Gandia, 35, was at the clothes and gift shop in Balanga, Bataan, where she worked as a cashier. At 4.30 pm two men rode up on a motorcycle and pumped nine bullets into her (two in the face, five in the torso, and one each in the nape and thigh).
Gandia (also known as Annaliza Abanador) helped to organize women workers for Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan (affiliated to leftist group KPD). Two other members of this small group, Cathy Alcantara and Audie Lucero, have been murdered in Bataan in the last five months.
According to human rights group Karapatan, there have been at least 585 political killings since President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo took power in 2001.

Nuclear power, I repeats meself...
guardian andmonbiot
Ten cents of investment, he shows, will buy either 1 kilowatt-hour of nuclear electricity; 1.2-1.7 of windpower; 2.2-6.5 of small-scale cogeneration; or up to 10 of energy efficiency. "Its higher cost than competitors, per unit of net CO2 displaced, means that every dollar invested in nuclear expansion will worsen climate change by buying less solution per dollar."
Pebble reactors Pius
The pebbles are graphite, and an Emotionalist (Terror is an emotion) could tip a bucket of kerosine over them & set them alight.
Sure, they have self-limiting criticality, but they do burn. Wormwood featured burning chunks of graphite whizzing through the air.
Nuclear power: requires an armed militia to guard the waste for maybe 10 half-lives (250,000 years?)
This militia guarantees that civil rights are trampled forever... protests cannot be permitted where the waste trucks pass...
(what is the cost of 1/4 million years of militia salary?)
Welsh lamb still requires radioactivity tests 20 years after Wormwood...
Nuclear power: 10 years to build, 5 years more to payback construction CO2...
we might get a net CO2 benefit 15 years after go-decision
but only if we stick to high gade ore - of which there is 50 years supply at current (7% electricity)
So if we at 20% of electricity we have about 16 years of Uranium supply
Breeders: small ones are nasty, big ones are absolutely terrifying
(ever seen a chip of cold, non-radioactive sodium make contact with water?
now imagine that red hot, molten and radioactive...
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ISP techie story
boing boing's guide to defeating censorware

"The Internet, a Series of Tubes"
APC universal plug adaptor
Benny 16 Twike Filipino Anna Liza Gandia Techie sites
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