Not a good morning.
Things to avoid:
Firefox 1.5 (I have managed to revert to 1.0.7, not everyone can) 1.5, when it works at all, demands permission to communicate with a bunch of Ad sites .. ugh...
Singapore if packing. Anyway junkies are not bothered by death, they want to die.
Air New Zealand if man. The can't organise seating discreetly, prefer to publicly humiliate man passengers. The last guy seat-shunted away from a child on suspicion of molester tendencies is apparently up a tree, refusing to descend until AirNZ issue an apology.
The whole molester PC hysteria has nothing to do with protecting children. A thousand times more children are crippled and killed by casual SUV/4WD drivers than are injured by molesters. The campaign is designed to humiliate men, and to get women to despise men.
Capital is for now happy with this, it furthers the atomising of society, every individual must earn and consume alone. Womens lib , after a great start in early 70s, has been reduced to forcing women into black suits in middlemanagement. This was not what we fought the Cultural Rev for. Women hate men and marriage vz below-replacement birthrates from Spain to Taiwan. Capital will soon be conflicted, it needs workers and it needs growth.
Expect clumsy State attempts to promote breeding, and expect State sanctions against abortion.
- I predicted both a few years ago, and they are both beginning now.
Something to worry about: is timing out, maybe Turdblossom has bombed their servers...
Weird Science...
Gas up
Levels of CO2 27% percent higher than at any point in the past 650,000 years..
..[cores covering] four glacial cycles.
29/11/2005 Science..deepest ice core Dome Concordia (Dome C) in East Antarctica.
European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica, outstrips Vostok by 210,000 years
Reasons to be cheerful #1001
Nature is giving me free access to a couple of articles on membranes
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