Favourite Famous Filipinas,Miraculous Intervention,GM peas
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Proposed name change:
Intelligent design (ID) becomes Miraculous Intervention(MI) - thats what that Behe & crew are proposing. Its still "God of the Gaps" but by now the gaps are very small. a few nanos wide.
If the 'design' is implicit in the structure of the natural world, then we have Natural Science.
If the 'design' is only at a few difficult points (Centrioles?) then we have "Miraculous Intervention"
The thing about miracles is, they spoil Natural Science, because anywhere,anytime, big Nobodaddy might flip in a miracle, so research becomes impossible.
Personally I dont care if no biology is taught at high school, they can pick it up later.
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Cryoelectron tomography of a magnetotactic bacterium: a three-dimensional reconstruction of the interior of a Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense cell. The cell membrane is blue, the magnetosome crystal red, and the surrounding vesicle yellow. The image makes it clear that both the membrane vesicle and the "mature" magnetosomes are strung like pearls on a chain along a filamentous structure (green), which is similar to a cytoskeleton. (Image: Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense" "Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry"
project to develop genetically modified peas with built-in pest-resistance has been abandoned after tests showed they caused allergic lung damage in mice.
..CSIRO took the gene for a protein capable of killing pea weevil pests from the common bean and transferred it into the pea. When extracted from the bean, this protein does not cause an allergic reaction in mice or people.
But .. when the protein is expressed in the pea.. unexpected immune effects seen in mice.
..Jeremy Tager, Greenpeace "..the potential for unpredicted and unintended changes in the structure of transferred proteins. And I’m not aware of any country that requires feeding studies as part of its approval process.”
..(Phaseolus vulgaris) contains alpha-amylase inhibitor-1.. GM peas were almost completely resistant to the pea weevils.
..The injected mice showed a hypersensitive skin response, while the airway-exposed mice developed airway inflammation and mild lung damage.
..“When expressed in the pea, the protein was glycosylated at different points – that’s the only structural change...
Coal-to-fuel conversion,..around for 80 years..the Fischer-Tropsch process. What is new is the technology that removes and stores the pollutants..
coal reserves of 120E9 tons, Montana 1/3 nation 1/10 the globa Most of it is just under the prairie grass in the depopulated ranch country of eastern Montana. Mr. Schweitzer wants to plant coal-to-fuel factories in towns that have one foot in the grave..
"This country has no energy plan, no vision for the future," said Mr. Schweitzer, who spent seven years in Saudi Arabia on irrigation projects. "We give more tax breaks and money for oil
..He is also promoting wind energy and the use of biofuels..Montana to get 10% of its energy from wind power by 2010..Big Sky State.. a population under E6..
USA imports 13E6 barrels of oil a day
..South Africa a single 50-year-old plant provides 28% of the nation's diesel, petrol and kero .. old technology ..Montana $7 billion to build 150,000 barrels of synthetic fuel a day $35 a barrel.
.."The governor's idea is a big one," said Helen Waller, a farmer who is active with the Northern Plains Resource Council"I don't think there's any such thing as clean coal. And even if there were, it would require a lot of productive ranchland to be ripped up."
..But given Montana's history of abuse by mining companies - the giant open-pit mine in Butte is the most visible legacy of a bygone era - some Montanans remain skeptical
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