Juba,Bunsen burners,Chavez
Juba"What has been taken in blood cannot be regained except by blood". Baghdad Sniper .."Juba's" existence, however, is not proven. He may not exist, or he could be a combination of many different insurgents...
He is an accurate sniper, having killed and wounded up to several dozen US soldiers. He fires only once..
He waits for soldiers to dismount, or stand up in a Humvee turret, and aims for gaps in their body armour, the lower spine, ribs or above the chest. He has killed from 200 metres away. "It was the perfect shot," the battalion commander, Lt Col Kevin Farrell, said of one incident - "Blew out the spine."
mariyaguchivideo of 2 dead USA chopper crew
iraqwar.mirror-world.ruSydney men arrested Mohamed Ali Elomar .. Melbourne man Abdulla Merhi, 20,.. a former bit-part actor in a TV drama, Omar Baladjam, 28, was shot in the neck ....stockpiles of chemicals similar to those used in the London bombings in July.[would that be the ones that fizzed or the ones that went bang?]
Abu Bakr..was also charged with directing a terrorist organisation. ..
The seven men in Sydney were charged with conspiring to manufacture explosives in preparation for a terrorist act...training at a rural property near Kinglake, in northeast Victoria.. an online bomb-making notebook, The Vortex Cookbook.
..thermometers, Bunsen burners and beakers.
axisoflogicbNone of these media focused on the content of Chavez' speech or of the transparent unity sweeping across the continent of South America which has grave implications for the economy, foreign policy and stature of the United States. If Chavez' powerful speech, the refrain of the crowds and the protests against Bush could be summed up in a phrase, it would be this:
"The dynamic unification of South America S. the U.S. Government and the Global Corporate Empire".
In their attempts to discredit the spread of the Bolivarian revolution and to undermine the unification of South America, the capitalist media are preaching to their own choir. The Latin American people have been living with the resulting poverty of U.S. exploitation and depredations for a long time. At long last, they appear to be coming together in numbers and power with which to be reckoned - led by individuals of their choosing - rather than Latin American politicians owned and operated by Washington. ...
[HC addresses crowds, GWB hides behind km of soldiers... who is more democratic?]
Cinq automobiles incendiées dans la nuit à Berlin
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