Nuclear fizzer, WTC conspiracy, GLOBAL GUARDIAN., jaguar, schizophrenia, Bolani
Seems the NK nuke was rather a fizzer.
'sub kiloton" according to AEC. (they would say that)
It has been said that no fission bomb has ever failed. There was a Brit fizzer on Xmas island (in the 60s?) but that was probably a layercake fission-fusion-fission test. Amusingly enough, after Ed Teller left Los Alamos for LawrenceLivermoreLab, his first test fizzled (also probably a layer-cake test) It didnt even destroy the tower. Oppie's guys back at Los Alamos said he'd better get "a bigger bomb, or a smaller tower"
25 Sep 2006 Bill Weinberg "How wild 9/11 conspiracies undermine the left
tedious opinions, with a few little gems:
little-noted report on BBC News that a private (presumably government-contracted) firm called Visor Consultants had been carrying out a test simulating a terror attack on the London Underground July 7—the same day the real attacks occurred.
the apparent fact that some employees at the Israeli office (in Tel Aviv, not New York) of the instant-messaging firm Odigo received text messages in the hours before 9-11 warning of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center.
FTW critiques the Weinberg article:
and they've uncovered yet another fucking live-fly exercise on 11Sep01:
yet another Air Force exercise was occurring on 9/11 besides the five laid out in Crossing the Rubicon: GLOBAL GUARDIAN.
According to Thompson this exercise, which simulates a “Global Armageddon,” is performed each year in October or November, but for some reason it was rescheduled for the week of September 11th in 2001.3
- how many damn exercises does it take to totally confuse all the airtrafficcontrollers in USA?

jaguar in Arizona.. Drug & people smugglers use the same tracks, often smashing the cameras..
victoria crater - close ups show opportunity and its shadow
..Tad Patzek at UC Berkeley and David Pimentel at Cornell University claim corn ethanol is not a net producer of energy while Mike Graboski at Colorado School of Mines claims it is. Who is right? I don't know. But I am unenthused by an energy source that will increase the demand for agricultural lands and water for farming to produce non-food products since plants are very inefficient at converting light to useful energy as compared to photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells can produce the same amount of energy using much less land.
Come back Thomas S. Szasz & R D Laing....
.. Richard Bentall, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Manchester, said the concept of schizophrenia is scientifically meaningless.
“If we don’t have some way of distinguishing between patients, then those with bipolar disorder or obsessional disorder would be mixed up with those currently diagnosed as having schizophrenia and might receive treatments wholly inappropriate for them,” said Robin Murray, a professor of psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry in London.
He suggested replacing the term schizophrenia with the label dopamine dysregulation disorder, which he said more accurately reflects what is happening in the brain of someone who is psychotic.
[this is the lampost method of science. Whatever the latest technology can image, that is what we study, much as the drunk looks for his keys beneath the streetlight, because thats where the illumination is. When we get MRI with 1 cm resolution we say "aha, theres the 1cm of brain that defines madness! ]
MidEast conquests animation:
download -> swf then drop it onto firefox
(of course you use Download express)
Ignoble prizes are out:..Parasitology .Today (1996;12:159), Knols and De Jong have now tested the idea. They constructed traps, with or without air blown over Limburger, and exposed them to hungry mosquitoes. In the same period of time, the smelly traps caught more than twice as many A gambiae as those without the smell.
norwegianity lefty norwegian?
terrorism-news yet another lefty blog
Billmon (still posting):
..for some reason, six months has become the time interval of choice for measuring the Cheney Administration's failures in the Greater Middle East:
NATO's top commander in Afghanistan said Sunday the country was at a tipping point and warned Afghans would likely switch their allegiance to resurgent Taliban militants if there are no visible improvements in people's lives in the next six months.
This raises an epistemological point: Does six months in Afghanistan equal one "Friedman," or does failure in a different country require a different name?
Perhaps Atrios -- who invented, or at least named, the "Friedman" -- can answer the question.
young male elephants in Pilanesberg National Park and the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve in South Africa have been raping and killing rhinoceroses;
..It has long been apparent that every large, land-based animal on this planet is ultimately fighting a losing battle with humankind. And yet entirely befitting of an animal with such a highly developed sensibility, a deep-rooted sense of family and, yes, such a good long-term memory, the elephant is not going out quietly.
Iraqi police have new uniforms in an attempt to tackle death squads ..dressing as officers
..Bolani said. "These new garments will not be counterfeited..
BAGHDAD, Oct. 9 — Men wearing military police uniforms broke into the house of the brother of Iraq’s Sunni vice president on Monday, chased him onto a neighbor’s roof and shot him in the head,..
Amir al-Hashemi was the third sibling of Iraq’s vice president, Tariq al-Hashemi, to be killed since spring...
choking smoke from Sumatra, as those jolly rich Malaysian pigs burn tropical forests to plant oil-palm.
Topday its trans-hydrogenated for your morning biscuits, tommorow its bio-diesel for your fucking "eco-green car" - well, jerkoff car driver, enjoy your 100kph drive to global extinction.
Do you get it? - there can be no eco-green car that does 100kph
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