Anthrax, waterboarding, AS1404, Billmon, Boondocks, Jatropha, air-conditioning, james tiptree,puki malaki
While Congress admirably resisted adopting the odious Patriot Act in the weeks following 9/11, both chambers quickly caved when two Democratic senators’ offices were subsequently targeted with anthrax-laced letters. ..
The big story behind the 2001 anthrax attacks, however, was never properly covered: White House staff had started taking Cipro, an anthrax-treatment drug, a full week before the first attack even occurred. You’ve got to wonder what prior information the Bush administration had -

waterboarding in action
Tuol Sleng Prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The prison is now a museum that documents Khymer Rouge
But back to Bush and his Friday remarks:
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.
so there were explosives planted, by GW's brother perhaps?
Update Number 2: My mama wrote in with a correction; she claims Auntie A says "Ay, puking malaki!" which a) is absolutley not what I remember, and b) not "sticky vagina" but "huge vagina." Sheesh, I hope this thread dies down soon.
Thailand's coup leaders have banned go-go dancers from performing for troops on the streets of Bangkok, fearing soldiers may be distracted.
A troupe of scantily-clad women danced for soldiers near the Royal Plaza on Monday, as part of entertainments paid for by a local radio station.
But the coup's leaders - who had earlier told soldiers to keep smiling - have now banned all dancing near tanks.
"We have to maintain the seriousness of the coup," a military spokesman said.
A trial of AS1404, in 70 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
lived for 14 months cf 8.8 months for those given chemotherapy alone.
26,000 people in Britain die from NSCLC each year.
..discovered by researchers in New Zealand and developed by the UK biotechnology company, Antisoma..
..vascular disrupting agents
..AS1404 has already been shown to be effective in phase II trials of prostate and ovarian cancer.
Mark McKeage of the University of Auckland,
Another curmudgeon fades out
Billmon at the WhiskeyBar, a trenchant analyst of ailing america, is moving
...up to the Arctic Circle). Which means posts are likely to be few and far between -- or just plain absent -- for the indefinite future....
another blow...
The Boondocks comic strip is halted, at least for now. After six years — a remarkably short run for a strip that found its way into 300-plus newspapers, .. Aaron McGruder.
# Jatropha curcas, also called physic nut,.. non-edible Jatropha oil,.. candles and soap,..biodiesel. ..1600 liters of oil per hectare.
Transesterification plants (Bio Diesel Refineries)
According to Gaydou et al (1982), seed yields approach 6–8
MT/ha with ca 37% oil. They calculate that such yields could produce
the equivalent of 2,100–2,800 liters fuel oil/ha (see table under
per hectare per year is up
to 8.0 tons of Jatropha seed, which contain over 30% oil. At $320
(US$) per ton, this will translate into sales of Jatropha crude oil of
$768 per hectare per year.
Using wastelands, however, instead of farmlands, solves the "food or fuel" dilemma-- these lands are unsuitable for growing other crops.
[the question then is: what is the yield on poor soils?]
10 million hectares of waste land: 15 million tones of seeds yield (1.5 Tons/ Hectare) => 4.0 million tons of oil
..1/10th requirement of diesel in our country
..Oil yield per hectare is among the highest of tree borne oil seeds. Seed production ranges from about 0.4 tons per hectare per year to over 12 t/ha. There are reports of getting oil yield as high as 50% from the seed.
..Prospect Magazine: Politics Essays Argument
..A brief history of air-conditioning September 2006
..James Fergusson
..USA consumed 1/4 of all the electricity in 2003;
1/3 of that.. for air-conditioners.
[Energy Bulletin]..
8% of the world's electricity
..air-conditioners in American vehicles use
7bn gallons of petrol a year,= oil consumption of
1/3 European cars now have air-conditioning.
..83% of US households contain one or more
air-conditioning units
..air-conditioning remains hopelessly inefficient.
3,400 pounds of CO2 are emitted each year to cool the average
American home:
2/3 of the emissions from an average British car. China..air-conditioning
already accounts for 15% of national power consumption annually. In
summer, that figure jumps to as much as 40%.
10,000 Light-Years From Home (1973)
james tiptree, jr.: the double life of alice b. sheldon
The writer's bible for Star Trek couldn't be clearer about the colonial echo: "Horatio Hornblower in space." The multicultural crew may look like it's been sent by the United Nations, but its gunship could wipe out a planet.
Anthrax waterboarding AS1404 Billmon Boondocks Jatropha air conditioning james tiptreemalaki
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