Fortt's Bath Oliver Crackers, James Hansen , Climate, KG320
Fortt's Bath Oliver Crackers
crackers with no trans fatty acids
where can these be found in Aus?

Sept. 25, 2006 Monday Online PNAS
Temperatures are hotter than they have been in 5000 years....
A further increase of 1° C..will produce dangerous sea level rises and species exterminations..
..James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Inst....past the hottest levels in the current interglacial
warming 0.2° C per decade for the past 30 years.
Hansen, J., Mki. Sato, R. Ruedy, K. Lo, D.W. Lea, and M. Medina-Elizade 2006. Global temperature change. P roc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 14288-14293, doi:10.1073/pnas.0606291103.
audubon . pnas . pnas . boston
..More rapid warming in 1975-2005
yields an average isotherm migration rate of 40 km per decade in
the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 6B), exceeding known paleoclimate
rates of change. Some species are less mobile than others, and
ecosystems involve interactions among species, so such rates of
climate change, along with habitat loss and fragmentation, new
invasive species, and other stresses are expected to have severe
impact on species survival (37).
..a[BusinessAsUsual] BAU global warming of 3°C over
the 21st century could eliminate a majority (60%) of species on
the planet. That projection is not inconsistent with mid-century
BAU effects in another study (37) or scenario sensitivity of stress
effects (35). Moreover, in the Earth’s history several mass extinctions
of 50-90% of species have accompanied global temperature
changes of ?5°C (39).

Tech Failures
1) GPRS on my LG KG320 - havnt sen it in Aus so far (one day)
Occasionally in RP I could get Yahoo! news - Internet down in the Barrio, at 1985 Internet speeds
2) Java on my KG320 - the Modem cable on XP sees contacts (doesnt Synch, so why bother?)
but doesnt see any jar|jad
- If I can get on, I will venture $5 on a downloading a game at molipo
but If I want to write my own I will have to download from a site, which sucks as the Internet tubes are clogged so far up.
3) Unwired Internet Sydney : we are paying for 1MBit, were getting 300K, now often much less
all those Videos in the Internets, too jerky by half
4) Yahoo! Mail for SMS - get mail via SMS , doesnt work, the CR guy at Vodafone had never heard of it
Still... the KG320 does do MP3 ringtones - never pay for a ringtone suckers! BUT ... it doesnt do MP3 on SMS alert, which is what defines your cool in RP, so Nokia still rules?
I trashed the CD, LG support said download from lgmobile but the 320 is too new I guess. About AUS$300 in MBK. Dont lose the spare battery, Bangkok has none for sale.
It is thin, and it does inspire envy in fat Noia owners.
Fortt's Bath Oliver Crackers James Hansen ClimateKG320
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