Metis-M, Hot nukes, compassionless flickr
06 August 2006,
at least 15 people were killed by HA deadliest rocket attack so far ..
1 rocket landed near .. Kfar Giladi. .. 12 army reservists were among the dead.
3 killed 40+ wounded in .. Haifa.
HA..targeted Israeli military vehicles in Wadi Honeen on the border and an armoured Israeli unit trying to advance towards Adayseh village, killing or wounding several ..
Two tanks and two bulldozers were reportedly destroyed.
..Israeli troops trying to advance north near Biyada village were also attacked and two tanks damaged, it said.
Syria has given Hezbollah its most sophisticated antitank weapons, sold to the Syrian Army by Russia.
..include the Russian Metis and RPG-29.. The Metis is more modern yet, wire-guided with a longer range and a higher speed..
...Kornet, laser-guided, with a range 3 miles, which Hezbollah may be holding back, waiting for Israel to .. extend its supply lines.

04/04/06 Friday, the army confirmed a HA anti-tank missile killed 3 soldiers and wounded 2 others in southeastern Lebanon.
In the 2 two days alone, these missiles have killed seven soldiers and damaged three Merkava tanks.. symbols of Israel's military might, the army said. .. HA owns European-made Milan missiles.
Jul 27 The extreme hot summer in Europe is restricting nuclear energy generation and showing up the limits of nuclear power..
The heat wave since mid-June has led authorities in France, Germany, Spain and elsewhere in Europe to override their own environmental norms on the maximum temperature of water drained from the plants' cooling systems.
..The drought accompanying the hot summer has reduced the volume of water in the rivers, and might force some power plants to shut down.
..During the hot summer of 2003, French authorities had allowed nuclear power plants to drain excessively hot water into rivers, leading to considerable damage to flora and fauna
..Meanwhile France is importing some 2000 megawatts of power per day from neighbouring countries to compensate for shortages in production at nuclear power plants.
While the French authorities have overridden their own environmental norms, in Germany energy providers have slowed down some nuclear reactors to limit waste water temperature and to protect flora and fauna.
..In Spain, the nuclear power plant at Santa Maria de Garoña, one of eight Spanish reactors, was shut down last weekend due to the high temperatures recorded in the river Ebro ..20 percent of the electricity generated in the country.
31/07/06 ..American Electric Power Co. shut down one of two nuclear reactors in Bridgman, Michigan, yesterday after lake water, used to cool the facility, pushed readings in the containment building to 120 degrees
..Consolidated Edison Inc. expects the heat will push power demand in the New York to a record, potentially threatening an electricity system
[so it seems that Nuclear Power stations may fail just when the demand for electricity is at a peak. This puts a new light on solar and wind power, frequently dismissed as intermittent compared with nuclears supposed uninterrupted 'base load']
monbiot eauplus foodsforlife nutrition-news
study of 117 children suffering from dyspraxia(8). Dyspraxia causes learning difficulties, disruptive behaviour and social problems. It affects about 5% of children. Some of the children were given supplements of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, others were given placebos. The results were extraordinary. In three months the reading age of the experimental group rose by an average of 9.5 months, while the control group’s rose by 3.3.
however … we probably do not have a sustainable supply of long chain omega 3 fats.”
The European Union, for example, has bought our pampered fishermen the right to steal protein from the malnourished people of Senegal and Angola. West African stocks are now going the same way as North Sea cod and Mediterranean tuna.
, a Swiss company called eau+ published a press release claiming that it has been farming “a secret strain of algae called V-Pure” which produces the right kind of fatty acids.
Tourist photographer 'harassed' by the outstretched hand of a hungry child.
Some of the Euro tourist photographers on flickr have an amazingly cruel and selfish approach.
Lafforgue takes fine photos, but seems oddly lacking in awareness and empathy. He gets irritated by the outstretched hand of a hungry child, sees it as harassment.
I thought Cambodia was a country not so much touristic...i was wrong...All the child i met in Siem reap asked for money, their favourite sentence was "hello, one dollar"...a little bit disapointing.I didn't meet this kind of harassment in Myanmar.
Hopefully, in Battambang, people very very warm and friendly. It seems the problem comes from the main touristic places...
my comment
Giordano Bruno Pro User says:
Myanmar is quieter because human rights groups have asked that tourists dont go there, as their money ends up supporting tyranny.
A foreign rich man may see a hungry child's outstretched hand as 'harassment', I suppose...
Another fine photographer phitar
says this:
i never ever give money to a child i meet, i never give children anything that can be traded for money (pen, school stuff, packaged food...). i often share my meals or snacks, i also try to fiod other ways of helping but most efficient to make a child smile, i teach them tricks, like how to stick their finger through their ear with minimal surgery involved.
the girl on the front is deaf but so quick and so smart she figured it out in an instant. she did it perfectly right away and was more amused by doing it to mesmerize her friends who were still wondering...
it takes practice to do it with one hand while shooting with a 3Kg camera in the other :-)
my comment:
I would still give money to a hungry person. If you want to walk past a hungry person with your money, thats your choice.
I know the girl in the photo, and while some say she should be in school, she's floating out there for cash. If you dont want to encourage her to be there, turn your back, dont smile, dont take her photo.
- nb phitar is confident enough to leave my comment standing. But I remain shocked by his pride in never parting with cash to a hungry child, except with parlour tricks.
Is this coldness a European thing? In this part of the world, we have a name for it "Tight-arsed"
carf says: [carf is also a fine photographer]
Apropos Giordano Bruno,
I agree 100% with what Phitar is explaining here.
Having worked on the streets for the last 13 years, with kids who never stop begging for anything but money, I am tired of seeing the consequences of the self-righteous acts of charity by discerning citizens, who really thing they are doing a good deed by emptying their pockets at any given moment to alleviate their bad conscience.
- what these Euros seem to be doing is actively fighting off the urge to help, actively hardening their hearts.
Actually carf goes on at length about how he helps poor people in a some continuing way, and somewhat pompously suggests I do the same.
Well, my rather large extended family might blow a collective raspberry at carf if they didnt posses a certain politeness and dignity.
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