Mel Gibson, Stem Cells, Mice

Mel Gibson loses the plot. Apparently he said that "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,"
Now thats stupid & narrow minded. A balanced enquiry would reveal that its most, not all wars.
How many traffic accidents in the world are the result of people seething as the IDF uses its new USA bunker bombs to kill wheelchair riders and children?
I find Mel a tad creepy. However his movie accurately represented the RC education ca 1960. From our teachers and from the pulpit, we got hours of detailed descriptions of the pains of JC.
The Passion was thoroughly familiar to anyone who has done the Stations of the Cross.
Mel is also apparently anti gay. Well I've lived with screaming queens, and my hipag sister has lived with the same woman for years. Anyway I cant get behind the call for Gay marriage, and adoption rights for homos seems outre. Of course in my village the children more or less decide for themselves which house to live in.
I feel uneasy when I see Korean boy infants being taken by Aus couples (why does the Korean culture value girls more? they let boys go but hold onto girls)
As for Embryos, I think the RC position that a blastocyst has a soul whereas an oocyte doesnt is finikity.
If the soul is poked in by Nobodaddy, exactly when does this happen? when the sperm penetrates the oocyte? Exactly when is penetration defined? At the membrane? At the outermost Angstrom of the membrane? What about quantum uncertainty?
Or is it at first meiotic division? Or mitotic division?
I havnt seen any RC address this question, all I hear is handwaving "foetus is a person"
Regarding In-vitro Embryos and their exploitation, I dont think state money should be used for infertile couples. I think Nobodaddy makes couples infertile for a reason, ie they are sub-standard and should accept it. There are enough breeders in this world.
Otherwise, I demand my $20,000 State subsidy to have a child. Because I forgot to get married early.
Stem cells are fascinating for lab types, but those who know admit its decades before we can make the lame walk. We are at the stage of getting the first inklings of how cells are de-stemmed, or specialised. The cell that made Dolly was un-specialised simply by a jolt of electricity. We have almost no idea what the shock did, except giving us one sick sheep.
Here is where I lose most of my readers, who like cuddly animal stories. I have found the most effective way of killing mice is a glue pad. God|Darwin knows why a mouse puts its 2nd 3rd& 4th legs onto the glue, but I find them right out in the middle, belly down looking like Smeagol, screaming loudly, sort of "If I was only 10,000 times larger I would rip your throat out" and also with a kind of desperate look "How could I have been so dumb?". In a bucket of water, the smallest bubble of air emerges. I look at their beady eye as they die. Why turn away? As a youth I worked in an abattoir, with little revulsion. I doubt I could do it now. In the freezer with headless pig carcasses dangling disconcertingly pink & human looking, I did have some queazy moments. I hope I can clear my mice, too small to trip a spring, before I become too interested in killing methods.
Mel Gibson Stem Cells Mice
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