Bint Jbeil, Cesium-1373
Amazing, the IDF cant hold a couple of villages 4k from its 'border'. HA know something about hardening bunkers which IraqiNG & Hamas dont?
Is that why USA bunker busters are being rushed to Israel? Will Israel nuke a village 4km form its 'border'?
July 27, 2006 - 6:40AM (Aust ET)
..guerrillas ambushed an Israeli force advancing on the town of Bint Jbeil, 4km from the frontier.
Hezbollah sources said the Israeli force was cut off and most of its vehicles were destroyed. "Our men can hear the screams of their wounded calling for help," one source said.
The Israeli army said eight of its soldiers were killed at Bint Jbeil and 22 wounded. Arabic media had reported that as many as 13 soldiers died in the clash.
Several Israeli soldiers were also wounded when Hezbollah guerrillas attacked the nearby border village of Maroun al-Ras, seized {sic} by the Israelis in heavy fighting last week, medics said.
In the Gaza Strip, scene of another Israeli offensive, Israeli forces killed 23 Palestinians, including at least 11 militants, three children and a handicapped man, during fighting.

Cesium-137 if the blog that had this also sourced it, this & his site would be useful, instead he has blocked links - so he doesnt get a link here. Why do people blog if they dont want links?
Just after Chernobyl I visited Lake Como, marveled at the paucity of tourists, had a plate of strawberries. Turns out that Como was a hot spot (although not on this map?) Italian authorities were not warning tourists. (sorry about that George Clooney) and strawberries are the worst thing you can eat. Also Wales is still checking lamb meat, so this map underestimates the spread
Jbeil 137
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