Ayta a-Shab , Kfar Kila, Baalbek, Uranium, aptamers, Titanic lakes, Mexoryl sunscreen
Three IDF soldiers were killed in battles with Hezbollah fighters in Ayta a-Shab on Tuesday. Twenty-five soldiers were also lightly wounded.
In the Lebanese border town of Kfar Kila, where artillery fire was heavy, residents said Israeli tanks had approached but had been forced back.
Hezbollah said its guerrillas were fighting Israeli commandos trapped inside a hospital in the eastern city of Baalbek early Wednesday.
It is now doubted that Scipio Aemilianus sowed Carthaginian fields with salt. Salt was just too expensive.
But, a far far worse thing, Israel is sowing Lebanon with Uranium, rendering it uninhabitable for many millennia, except for those who cant leave. Those will require the old basin of sand at every childbirth, ready to smother monsters
there is a black dust that is filling the air. we are breathing it in ... constantly. it has settled on my clothes, in my kitchen... it is everywhere. we are guessing it is from the Jiye power station that was bombed... it is still on fire... it is the power station from which the oil spill originated from.
everyone is talking about the depleted uranium in the bombs... it is everywhere now. in the air we breathe.. in the land... it will soon be in our crops... in our water... wow. every time i think that things can't get worse, they do.
i am already envisioning myself with cancer.

tank 'damaged' IDFers bailing out
Around each of the falls we came to, and sometimes visible from the river, were lots of paintings. Usually, it was the larger aboriginal pictures we spotted first; but hidden among them, often over-painted or half destroyed by scratching, were examples of Bradshaw art. We reached the first site by scrambling up a jumble of colossal rocks, avoiding the thorny undergrowth and sometimes having to leap across dark chasms. It was a familiar environment, which reminded me strongly of parts of Africa where I have sought rock art over the past forty-four years since I first traveled by camel in the Central Sahara in 1962. The same thrilling anticipation as each overhang, streaked with red and yellow lines of oxide and ochre, looked to my eager eye like a wonderful painting, only to turn out to be natural staining. Then came the first actual painted site: a mass of large figures with bold outlines, representing familiar aboriginal motifs – fat snakes, kangaroos, human shapes and hands. It was exciting, but nothing to the shock of recognition when I saw my first Bradshaw.

Titanic lakes
Xanadu's Meandering Rivers
.. U Florida.. discovering cancer earlier..Dihua Shangguan,..online PNAS..
..Antibodies are preferable to diagnosis by appearance ..but they are only available for a few cancers
..cancer tissue has a molecular fingerprint.. tools in the form of aptamers, or short strands of synthesized DNA.
..successfully design sets of aptamers that would recognize leukemia cells ..mixed in with normal bone marrow cells. also distinguished leukemia T-cells from lymphoma B-cells
pishmo bug pictures
(A five year study at the Queensland Institute for Medical Research,, using sunscreen didn't reduce the risk of melanoma or basal cell carcinoma in adults.)
..current sunscreens provide some protection if they contain either zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or avobenzone, a 2004 Procter & Gamble study ..188 United States sunscreens .. only 56% offered significant UVA protection, even though 82% claimed to do so.
But Mexoryl seems far superior.. NYTimes (2005):
..UV sunlamp for 15 minutes. The product containing Mexoryl (along with avobenzone, titanium dioxide and other ingredients) was more than twice as effective in protecting against UVA light as any of the other
Shab Kila Baalbek Uranium aptamers lakes sunscreen
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