Amajan, jatropha, Mike Ruppert, Outfoxed, biovisions, Merkava
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Sept. 25
Safia Amajan, 65,..chief of the women’s affairs department in Kandahar Province for five years, working for women’s rights and education..
..was gunned down here on her way to work on Monday morning by suspected Taliban gunmen...
24 September 2006.. A car fuelled with oil from the jatropha plant travelled from Atambua in West Timor to Jakarta. ....Bandung Institute of Technology, Manurung..refining oil from the bushy jatropha plant and developing a converter ..cost of subsidised fuel 62.4E12 rupiah ($6.86E9 ) ..We have only 23 to 25 years of oil, 60 years of gas, and 150 years of coal," says Hamdi.
..Jakarta plans to make at least five million hectares ..of former forest land available for palm oil, jatropha, sugarcane and cassava plantations
..hopes that biofuels will supply 10 % of Indonesia's transport and electricity fuel needs by 2010.
.."..please use idle land, don't convert natural forest," urged Elfian Effendi from Greenomics.
..Palm oil..requires fertile land, but jatropha, said Manurung, can grow on dry wasteland. Jatropha is ideal for the drought-prone regions of eastern Indonesia..and establishing a jatropha plantation costs 1/10 of setting up a palm oil plantation.
..Palm oil production from Malaysia and Indonesia, 90 % of global = 3% current demand for fossil fuels. Indonesia 50% global , will struggle to supply even the food industry..
23 years may be a gross overestimate, Citibank depleted Sumatran oil super-fast
zdnetasia SSL signature forgery?
From the Wilderness founder Mike Ruppert has left the country. Good on him. In true Ruppertian fashion, his parting shot is a grandiloquent broadside, and I mean that in a good way. Ripping good reading.
Good luck, Sir.
My country is dead. Its people have surrendered to tyranny, and in so doing, they have become tyranny’s primary support group; its base constituency; its chief defender. Every day they offer their endorsement of tyranny by banking in its banks and spending their borrowed money with the corporations that run it.
As the human race enters the first stages of inevitable collapse resulting from Peak Oil, it does so ass-backwards, in complete denial, and in the one way most certain to guarantee the greatest amount of suffering and death for future generations.- Michael C. Ruppert
Mike R , Joe Bageant, Joe Viallis (RIP) how the world needs these grumpy 50+ men
McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner said the company was implementing a new restaurant operating system that would finally make selling breakfast all day possible.
A British nuclear plant recently constructed to make plutonium fuel for power reactors in Japan and Europe has been plagued with so many breakdowns that it may have to be shut down.
.. at Sellafield has suffered 37,000 minor and 100 major equipment failures in a year. These have prevented production for about 70% of the time.
..designed to recycle the plutonium extracted from spent reactor fuel at Sellafield by combining it with uranium to make mixed oxide fuel..
The aim..26 tonnes of foreign plutonium stockpiled at Sellafield into 520 tonnes of MOX fuel, ..hoped ..the remaining 77 tonnes of British plutonium at Sellafield to be burnt in a new generation of British reactors.
..In 2001 BNFL, predicted ..72 tonnes of MOX fuel a year. Last year..< color="#006600" size="2" width="60%">
Robert "Outfoxed" Greenwald's new documentary, "Iraq For Sale," which documents the disgraceful profiteering of private contractors in Iraq, like Halliburton, CACI and Titan.
Greenwald's film talks with military personnel, past employees of military contractors, and the families of contractors who were killed in Iraq. He builds a compelling, damning case that the use of these contractors is putting American soldiers in harm's way, hurting US military effectiveness in Iraq, bilking the US taxpayer out of billions,

biovisions harvard
inside a cell
- A beaut video. Actually the cell is much more crowded than it looks here. And the "walkers" and various polymers act from diffusion. ie. the 'left' foot 'right' foot stepping motion should actually look something like a drunk staggering, not a regular stepping motion. Its amazing to us 10^8 Angstrom monsters, but diffusion in a 10u cell gets it all done.
astroshack why_im_brown aes
More on Anti-Tank warfare, the new hope for the worlds peoples, against Empire.
"The anti-tank threat emerged as the most serious challenge to the IDF. Operating Kornet-E and Metis-M anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), Hizbullah successfully destroyed 14 Israeli Merkava Mk 2, 3 and 4 main battle tanks (MBTs). In response, the Israeli MoD has ordered Rafael Armament Development Authority to accelerate preparations for production of its Trophy active protection system (APS) for future IDF procurement. Israel Military Industries (IMI) has also been asked to complete development of its APS, dubbed Iron Fist, for IDF evaluation."
By using Russian-made Metis-M and European-made Milan anti-tank missiles by Hezbollah, according to reports more than 100 Merkava tanks had been destroyed, including killing or injuring their crews. The AP (AP, Saturday August 5), was reported to have circulated that, during two days only, Thursday August 3rd and Wednesday August 2nd , Hezbollah fighters had fired anti-tank missiles at three Merkava tanks. They were immediately pierced and 7 soldiers of its squads had been, killed.
Israeli sources claim that during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict 50 Merkavas were hit and damaged, with 30 crew members killed and 100 injured, including two battalion commanders [2].
One-tenth of the Israeli tanks that took part in the Lebanon war were destroyed or disabled, a military study found.
According to Armored Corps data published Thursday, Hezbollah anti-armor missiles penetrated 20 Israeli tanks during the monthlong war, killing 17 crewmen. Another 13 crewmen were killed when land mines destroyed or disabled their tanks. ..
..anti-tank weapons against our armoured vehicles. One of the most effective is the Kornet which was supplied by Russia to Iran and then to Hizbullah,” said Lieutenant Colonel Olivier Rafowicz.
..In a statement Aug. 9, Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah insisted that Hezbollah had destroyed 60 Israeli Merkava tanks. The IDF acknowledged only 30 tanks destroyed or seriously disabled...
Israel has so far lost more than 80 soldiers in combat...
Hizbullah's older anti-tank weapons have been effective against armoured personnel carriers and buildings used by soldiers for shelters. Its newer weapons such as the Russian Kornet and US TOW missiles have been highly effective succeeded in piercing the armour of Israel's main battle tank, the Merkava
nyrb asks why Israel didnt use attack helicopters in South Lebanon. They say maybe it was fear of being shot down, which means that HA defeated the IAF helicopters without firing a shot.
(actually they did shoot one down)
Merkava Amajan jatropha MikeRuppert Outfoxed biovisions
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