Papua New Brissie, Kangaroo, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Just where is "Papua New Brissie"?
100+ cars trashed in Maroubra last night by Lebs
I am heartened because I despise cars, nothing has been lost except toxic killing cans.
Perfect protest. I am heartened because its retribution for Aus mob violence, and foolish challenges.
So DHL's 1928 "Kangaroo" is still the clearest picture of Aus, except they cant even dredge up a passable populist leader. They persist with a mumbling whiny dwarf who takes their liberties with nary a hint of passion.
White culture here is pathetic, mouthing about "Grandad" who apparently fought the Japs.
Well two generations does not a culture make, and as the white culture is weak, obviously the Lebs will probe its weaknesses.
I despise this culture, so riotousness is evidence of the correctness of my analysis.
Secret torture prisons in the 32 days since the roundups, prisoners are locked down in solitary for 23 out of 24 - so we have fascism without the benefit of a glorious ancient racial heritage, just a couple of generations in brick veneer on sanddunes
aljazeera 09 Dec 2005
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "You believe the Jews were oppressed, why should the Palestinian Muslims have to pay the price?
"You oppressed them, so give a part of Europe to the Zionist regime so they can establish any government they want. We would support it.
"So, Germany and Austria, come and give one, two or any number of your provinces to the Zionist regime so they can create a country there ... and the problem will be solved at its root.
.."Is it not true that European countries insist that they committed a Jewish genocide? They say that Hitler burned millions of Jews in furnaces ... and exiled them," ..
"Then because the Jews have been oppressed during the Second World War, therefore they (the Europeans) have to support the occupying regime of Qods . We do not accept this."
.."the best solution is resistance so that the enemies of the Palestinians accept the reality and the right of the Palestinian people to have land".
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