John Key Sociopath,Dr Vandana Shiva
John Key, Sociopath
It is obvious to everyone, everyone knows, that to be a Forex trader is the choice of a sociopath.
Cunning, numerate, at least minimally, to attempt to profit from national suffering, the forex trader is devoid of human concern.
The successful forex trader is lucky, readily convinced that he is 'master of the universe'
How quaint that respect is still paid to these leeches.
Non productive, non creative, parasites on our commonwealth.
How quaint to elect one such, in a 45% "mandate"
Solitary greed, smug theft, slick rapaciousness.
Not to conflate with "opportunistic" which can be a smart response to necessity. John Key's mother, Ruth, arranged a marriage to a drunk to escape Austria in 1939, a smart move for a Jew.
But to devote ones days to super-profit on nations misfortunes... a good morning trading at Meryl Lynch against the Zambian kwacha?
.. theres no law against it, sadly, but what kind of nation ignores the evils of finance to elect such a man? These are the sociopaths who have brought the world to a crash, having persuaded the likes of Haiti to abandon food self-sufficiency.
“Today’s global food crisis shows we all blew it, including me when I was president, by treating food crops as commodities instead of as a vital right of the world’s poorBill Clinton has told a UN gathering.thewest
But US law requires that almost all US aid be American-grown food commodities, benefiting US farmers. Bush proposed earlier this year that 25 per cent of future aid be cash.
A bipartisan coalition (in Congress) defeated him ...He was right, and both parties that defeated him were wrong.
Dr Vandana Shiva speaks
in pdf (ugh!) why? somehow even the best and brightest cant resist the urge to make a pdf. Somehow html just doesnt seem like a 'thing'- dammit people, its text..... I hope this document will be html- text soon.
Google 'view as html' does its best:
- Industrial globalized agriculture contributes to and is vulnerable to climate change
- Ecological and organic farming contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change
- Transition to local, sustainable food systems benefits the environment and public health
- Biodiversity reduces vulnerability and increases resilience
- Genetically modified seeds and breeds: a false solution and dangerous diversion
- Industrial agrofuels: a false solution and new threat to food security
- Water conservation is central to sustainable agriculture
- Knowledge transition for climate adaptation
- Economic transition toward a sustainable and equitable food future
She may not be right all the time, but she must be heard.
I can't decide if Haber-Bosch Nitrogen from oil-gas is essential or evil. V Smil, who perhaps is the dry end of the debate says a the nitrogen in a Chinese girl is 2/3 Industrial.
Shiva says that Indian women weeding have terrible blisters on their ankles from the HB Urea.
Shiva is very anti-soy. India killed local cold-pressed mustard oil, by insisting on containers with content labelling. The people had been bringing their old empty bottles to the small mustard oil merchant. So now they get what Udo Erasmus describes as oil treated with draino (NaOH) then bleached, filtered of extras, heated and generally abused.
Compulsory food labelling can kill local healthy food...
Permaculture seems to be the solution. I feel guilty that I dont insist my children till their our tiny urban patch.
VS says that cattle emit more methane eating beans. The experiments actually show that
Feeds high in fibre, such as straw, result in the production of more methane than forages of low fibre content, such as fresh green grass and alfalfa. The addition of grains, such as corn, barley or wheat, to the diet will reduce CH4 emissions further. An imbalance in the nutrient content of the feed eaten, such as a shortfall in the amount of protein or mineral, will also increase the amount of CH4 produced. For these reasons, cattle fed in a feedlot usually emit less CH4 than grazing cattle because they consume a substantial amount of grain and the ration is formulated to meet the animal's requirements for nutrients.grist
So VS can go overboard, but she is mostly wise.
90% of fish bigger than 30cm are gone. this is a weird impoverishment of the globe.
The last years wild fish catch is static in tonnage, declining in length?
the fish being used to feed pigs, chickens and farm-raised fish are often thought of as bait, including anchovies, sardines, menhaden and other small- to medium-sized species, researchers wrote in a study to be published in November in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources.
These so-called forage fish account for 37 percent, or 31.5 million tons, of all fish taken from the world's oceans each year, the study said. Ninety percent of that catch is turned into fish meal or fish oil, most of which is used as agricultural and aquacultural feed.
Bali Bombers, shot at last.
Can one weep for a bunch of Australian, USAniacs, & Kiwi revelers in Kuta?
Organic farming 'could feed Africa'
Traditional practices increase yield by 128% in east Africa, says UN
By Daniel Howden in Nairobi
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
New evidence suggests that organic practices ...- are delivering sharp increases in yields, improvements in the soil and a boost in the income of Africa's small farmers
Organic farming offers Africa the best chance of breaking the cycle of poverty and malnutrition it has been locked in for decades, according to a major study from the United Nations to be presented today.
Africa is the continent with far the largest ratio of rain-irrigated land to people.
ACChange is predicted to shrivel wheat, but millet may increase yield. Africa with diversity and despite parasites, may populate a scorched earth again.
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