Babylon, Ponsonby, Barry Linton, Maternity risk
Babylon your throne gone down
Why are we still listening to finance "experts" at this point?
(The molecular receptors for GABA are the target of tranquillisers such as Valium.) But glutamine levels can be restored, and production of GABA boosted, by the consumption of an amino acid called N-acetylcysteine (NAC) that is found in nuts and seeds
NAC cant be bought in NZAus, mail order from USA... good for Alcohol and parecetemol ODs
vitamin D below 5 ng/mL = deficiency, 20 ng adequate 30 ng/mL is ideal.
400 units adults ages 51 to 70, and 600 units for those 71 and older.
10,000iu/daily is absolutely safe. Amounts up to 40,000iu/daily are safe for short periods
Ponsonby history
Urban Village: the Story of Ponsonby, Freeman's Bay & St Mary's Bay (Paperback)
Jenny Carlyon
Mandrax Mansion - Jenny Carlyon reckons Dragon lived there, I recall it was Hello Sailor.
Barry Linton
September 27-October 3 2008 Vol 215 No 3568 Comics Drawn into the culture by Tim Bollinger
Comic art pioneer Barry Linton is as adventurous as ever in his latest work.
"Barry Linton is a graphic artist with a poet’s voice. His comic strips span the cosmos, from the distant past to the far-flung future."
I recall Barry in the One Tree Hill house drawing "Evenings are: too long, not long enough, Just right"
More on Maternity risk in NZ
Health and Disability Commissioner Ron Paterson ... Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee
RP came on radio and said there is a lack of 'evidence based' standards for maternity services, but that they are as good as others (evidence?)
2006 preliminary report says 12 maternal deaths ... that seems significant ... confusing ChCh figures, plenty of midwives, but GP's only recommend a few??
Babylon, Ponsonby, Linton, risk
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