John Howard
John Howard, Australian Prime minister.
Announces he will give some 'Ideas about reducing the violence in Iraq' to GB43
What a pompous twerp.
Mean-minded little runt. Racist, fear-mongerer, mealy mouthed, Ex-Suburban lawyer
Has been Prime Minister of Australia for 10 years
Exactly what the mean-minded, fear-ridden, racist, greedy Australian populace deserves.
In recent weeks he has been mouthing about Carbon & greenhouse, says he will do nothing if has a cost. Predictable popularist posturing. Stand next to a solar panel for a photo-op, and throw another hundren million dollars in subsidies to coal exporters.
Big carbon has him by his withered scrotum. He blathers about nuclear power, Westinghouse probably have sent him a flattering note.
His most notable acts have been to lock refugees in containers in the desert, then to exile them out of the country to Nuie, where they exist for years without legal access, women permitted to wash once a week.
Other mean-minded racist leaders look with envy at his torture of refugees.
Australians are primarily concerned about their house prices. The most urbanised country. The filthiest people, measured by carbon emissions.
The indigenous people are in the deserts, with sub-Saharan mortality rates. Regularly beaten to death in police cells.
The city dwellers anguish over their mortgages. Each interest rate rise gets 3 times the press than in any other country. Here, your suburban house is your fortune. Come on in peakoil...
Recently the country is undergoing a 'resource' boom, digging things up and exporting coal, diamonds and Uranium etc. You dont need Jane Jacobs to tell you that the money from raw exports doesnt benefit a culture. Howard sold half Australias Gas at bargain rates to the PRC. For decades to come the Chinese will be sniggering at their good fortune in having a Howard to deal with. If any future Australian regime desires a better deal, expect the PRC to rapidly annex Australia. The local military experience consists in bullying tiny Pacific Island nations, and parking a minuscule military contingent in South Iraq, hopefully out of harms way, but enough to ensure that Howard is GeorgeW's last friend. What a pathetic pair.
So far in Iraq Aus has lost only two troops. One to a traffic accident, another got shot by a buddy while they were playing with their sidearms. A strangers body turned up in his coffin in Australia. The Australian army have just bought a bunch of Abrams tanks, only to realise they dont have the planes to transport them. When the Chinese finally get exasperated enough to annex the place, they can be assured that there are no bridges in the North that can bear those 40 tanks, so the place is pretty much open house. USA treaty, worth a snigger? A bunch of 40 year old F-111s might put up an afternoons defence.
I for one welcome out new Han overlords. Anything would be an improvement.
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