Minivan vs Nano
In 1970 I had a minivan, rather similar to the Nano
627kg 24kw 848cc
This could hold 5 hippies, although it boiled on the Mangamuka hill.
Brought Wilderlands honey to Auckland, almost a convivial vehicle
barely adequte for sleeping and fucking
I confess I souped it up with free-flow manifold, twin SU carbs (which one tuned by listening to the hiss, equalising...)
The age recycles ideas ... 2009 recycles 1970
In those days paper wasnt economic to recyle, much as now, since the Chinese have beseeched us to cease shipping our paper.
I recall one eco-freak suggesting that Auck should recycle anyway, bury all its paper in one spot. Someday it would find a use. Still good advice.
The return, recycling, of all those eco ideas from 1970, makes me weary.
If they didnt learn then, when plenty prevailed, what chance now?
lacking vigour, possesing a breadth of vision, I expect the coming of cataclysm
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