Privatisation, Housing, Dylan
The idea of the country house is charming, but in reality isolated houses are unsecure, subject to attack
So people gather in shanty towns
what is required are slow trucks each morning to the allotments. ... you cant grow food in the barrio, its too crowded, and you cant afford a car (I'm talking to the ET, the Earth Typical)
The late, great, June Pallot, sadly missed defender of NZ polity, once explained to me that "Privatisation for efficiency" was a myth. The the "Ministry of Works" had been determined, she said, to be highly efficient. Objective Analysis trumps rightist rhetoric.
Profit can only be a drain on a social task.
In the National Library, I was shocked to learn they didnt have
"The Legacy of June Pallot ,Public Sector Financial Management Reform Edited by: Susan Newberry, University of Sydney"
They promised they would get a copy.
Air Conditioners
this redesign of the common air conditioner could save a quadrillion BTUs a year in the United States alone.
Replacing the conditioner's piston compressor and expansion valve with scroll compressors--more commonly used in automobile superchargers--and updating the power supply yielded power savings of 30 percent, wrote Create the Future contest winner Lindsay Meek of Australia.
The U.S. Department of Energy reports that two-thirds of U.S. homes have air conditioners, producing a hundred million tons of carbon dioxide annually and consuming 5 percent of the energy produced in the United States -- which costs consumers more than $11 billion.
In the tropics where ET lives (70% of the people) what is needed are mosquito screens and airconditioners. I sadly confess my house has no screens, I had it built by vernacular architects. Sans plans,, sans approval. I had little control over the design, apart from the idea of high pitched roof with high pitched ceilings. The windows are tilting glass strips, very cheap, but not so suitable for screens. The mosquito problem is attacked by electric fans, that is until the power company discovers your illegal shunt. Air conditioning was a distant dream. But if civilization survives, I hold that some sort of solar powered air-con will be found. Nights will always be a problem. Some mossies will sneak in. My dismay was the scabby scratch marks on my skin. When you've got nothing, looking smooth is your last possession
Early on March 7 a project leader from the international conservation organization WWF and others in the town of Donsol heard that a live whale shark was being offered for sale at a nearby beach. Expecting a stranded giant, the rescuers found instead a 15-inch (38-centimeter) shark leashed to a stake in the mud like a neglected puppy.
By the end of the day, after photos and measurements had been taken, the young whale shark was free again, released into deeper waters.
[RP view of animals, dogs thin to starvation point (except those for eating?), fighting cocks fed on special grain, ... poverty strips romantic notions clean away
Some say that Chernobyl wolves are a myth
Some Say that Elana Filotova is a fake, that no-one rode a bike through Chernobyl
but someone is on a bike here. Maybe her evocative writing disturbs thos lovers of nuclear-style techno--civilization
Scratch this fool from my heroes
Bob Dylan Sucks (I havnt enjoyed an album since Blood on the Tracks anyway)
'nothing goes better with a Cadillac than a long ride to nowhere'. Bob Dylan advertising Cadillac SUV (!)
how advertising sucks, particularly when done for toxic products by rock ex-heroes
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