Fongoli chimp, Patti Smith, Eric Kande, Pepe Escobar
Meanwhile, Tumbo nonchalantly continues on her way, stopping frequently to eat (as is typical for her - I swear she eats more than any chimp I know!), seemingly without a care in the world for these 8 guys following her around. She does pay them a bit of attention at times, if you get my drift, but I wanted to write today about something else the males were very interested in.
One thing that makes the Fongoli chimps unique, compared to chimpanzee communities that have been studied elsewhere, is that they use caves for resting, feeding and socializing during the hottest times of the year
Jill Pruetz
Senegal Chimps in thet news:
(actually data from 2007, just now in Nat Geog.)
40 year old, too old to hunt, survives by cracking open fruit
They also cool off in caves
the journal Current Biology.
.. 22 cases of chimps fashioning tools to jab at smaller primates sheltering in cavities of hollow branches or tree trunks.
The report's authors, Jill Pruetz and Paco Bertolani..Fongoli, Senegal, between March 2005 and July 2006.
..13 different hunting bouts. So it really is habitual."
Adolescent females exhibited the behaviour most frequently..n one case, Pruetz and Bertolani, from the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies in Cambridge, UK, witnessed a chimpanzee extract a bushbaby with a spear.
..Some chimps also sharpened the tip of the tool with their teeth.
and tiling patterns
ape genius
Greene on Strings
Patti Smith
Eric Kandel who won the 2000 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his work on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory in the sea slug Aplysia californica.
Al Sadr interview via Pepe Escobar a top journo
Jellyfish explosion...
Fongoli chimp, Patti Smith, Eric Kande, Pepe Escobar
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