Bob Geldorf, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Garrett Lisi
This device is inserted under the skin, talks to your phone via bluetooth, runs on blood glucose.
Rather similar to the gadget in "A Beautiful Mind" except not radio-isotope based. In the movie you were supposed to realise that such a device was so obviously impossible that Nash was evidently suffering from delusions. I confess I realised it was impossible, and merely thought 'what a crummy movie'. I remain unclear about the existence of persistent wide-spanning delusions like Russell saw in the movie. Maybe they do occur. Maybe Jim's device is not a joke. nb I believe its a display which talks to a cell phone using bluetooth, not a complete phone as the physorg blurb claims. I am very sceptical that a complete phone could run off blood glucose. Nor would it be safe if it did.
"Jim Mielke's wireless blood-fueled display is a true merging of technology and body art. At the recent Greener Gadgets Design Competition, the engineer demonstrated a subcutaneously implanted touch-screen that operates as a cell phone display, with the potential for 3G video calls that are visible just underneath the skin."
"Bush adds, "One thing I will say: Human suffering should preempt commercial interest.""
Saint Bob 'co-opted' Geldorf on AF-one with deranged pseudo president GW. Bob is congratulating GW for his 'abstinence for aids' policy, and for his 'forget the loans, forget the equivalent in aid, let us control your economies'
“a Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face.”
Keisha Castle-Hughes interview
"Cinnamon girl"
Garrett Lisi... Theory of Everything
. The largest simple exceptional Lie group, E8, is a unique structure in mathematics.
..Of E8, Hermann Nicolai writes “E8 is perhaps the most beautiful structure in all of mathematics, but it's very complex."
backreaction. of E8 rotation (from new scientist) is on this blog
$250, Sleek Audio
SA6 In-Ear Hereview.
Journey of Mankind - shows how late Europe was settled. The movement mainly around the coasts (humans as beachcombers) India was very important until Toba ashed it out 70,000 years bp. Then it was recolonised from 2 sides and became important again.
Bob Geldorf, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Garrett Lisi
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