Kill Bush, biomass, photosynthesis, solar panel
..NO, wait... render him to a cess pit in Egypt, torture him, THEN kill him
(regards to Julia Wilson)
(I'm a legal alien, (not any more, I left when Reagun's mind controlled assassin shot Lennon))
The number of killed in the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 (a few months short of 4 years) 600,000 to 630,000.
Population of Iraq, about 27 million.
Population of the United States in the 1860s? A little over 30 million.
Biomass efficiency
Some of the highest plant growth in seen in pinus radiata tree growth
20-50m³/ha/yr = 14-35T/ha/yr = 1.4 -3.5 kg/m²/yr = 19 - 48MJ/m²/yr
(1 kg of Fuelwood = 13.8 Mj ) I oven dried tonne of wood = 16xlO9 joules
if solar = 300-700Watts for 6 hours/day/m² = 750-1,500 KwH = 2.7-5.5E3MJ/m²/yr
so efficiency ranges from 19*100/5.5E3 = 0.35% Low to 48*100/2.7E3 1.8%high
this doesnt include energy in cutting, drying, chipping, transporting
so plants are 0.35% to 1.8% efficient
Professor Max Crossley's molecular electronics group at the University of Sydney..Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines in Rome.
.,.chlorophyll is the pigment porphyrin.. a central magnesium ion.
..a synthetic form of chlorophyll.. ..dendrimer scaffold, a highly branched polymer made of C H Nand nitrogen.
Attached to the dendrimer are synthetic .. porphyrin.
..buckyballs sit between the porphyrin and soak up electrons..
..A leaf is about 30-40% efficient at converting light to electricity.
Otober 16, 2006 Sunpower..
..SPR-315 solar panel ..22%-efficient Gen 2 solar cells..output of 315 W
..A typical 4 system requires 30 * 160 W.. 38m²
SPR 315 equivalent 15 solar panels on 25m²
22.4% efficiency on 170um wafers, .. polysilicon.. 6 g/W.
.. metal contacts ..are on the back surface ..
manufactured ..Laguna Luzon 75 megawatts per year.
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation has a majority interest
if 4kW = 25m² @22.4% then 1m² = 714W @100% this is the notional solar output
Laguna, Philippines 100 East Main Ave. Phase 4
Special Economic Zone Laguna Tachno Park Binan, Laguna, Philippines 4024
world oil production has retreated from its all-time high of .. 85 million barrels a day (m/b/d) in December 2005 (just as Kenneth Deffeyes predicted). For 2006, the 84 m/b/d range every month ..
PSA in Iraq
Production Sharing Agreements (or Product Theft Enforcement?)
alternet dailykos
guardian women infected with toxoplasma had up to a 72% chance of a boy.
Kill Bush biomass photosynthesis panel
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