Fauzi Hasbi transcript, English torture, murder, Ganja OK, Sahel wet
the lost sbs transcript
(images of documents removed from sbs site not located so far)
"Hambali and co would have known their colleague Fauzi Hasbi had been captured in 1978 by this Indonesian military special forces unit but they wouldn't have known that he became a secret agent for Indonesian military intelligence. The commanding officer that caught him was Syafrie Syamsuddin, now a general and one of Indonesia's key military intelligence figures. These documents obtained by Dateline prove beyond doubt that Fauzi Hasbi had a long association with the military. This 1990 document, signed by the chief of military intelligence in North Sumatra, authorised Fauzi Hasbi to undertake a special job. And this 1995 internal memo from military intelligence HQ in Jakarta was a request to use brother Fauzi Hasbi to spy on Acehnese separatist, not only in Indonesia but in Malaysia and Sweden. And then this document, from only three years ago, assigned him the job of special agent for BIN, the national intelligence agency. Security analyst John Mempi says Fauzi Hasbi alias Abu Jihad played a crucial role within JI in its early years.
JOHN MEMPI (Translation): The first Jemaah Islamiyah congress in Bogor was facilitated by Abu Jihad, after Abu Bakar Bashir returned from Malaysia. We can see that Abu Jihad played an important role, he was later found to be an intelligence agent. So an intelligence agent has been facilitating the radical Islamic movement."
smh unsil
English torture story
English murder mystery
n Saturday 15 October 2005, the body of Captain Ken Masters was discovered in his accommodation in Waterloo Lines, Basra," the ministry said in a statement.
"He had been responsible for the investigation of all in-theatre serious incidents, plus investigations conducted by the general police duties element of the theatre investigation group."
Ganja Safe
..one of marijuana’s active ingredients actually helps produce new brain cells, while apparently reducing anxiety.
..another study has found that marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than cigarette smoke.
..Journal of Clinical Investigation.. Xia Zhang U Saskatchewan ..rats getting regular doses of an artificial version of a potent marijuana ingredient grew new brain cells faster than other rats.
The new cells grew in the hippocampus.. less anxiety- and depression- like behavior.. November issue.
The second, separate study found marijuana smoke is less carcinogenic than tobacco smoke.
Robert J. Melamede of the U Colorado..although cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke are chemically very similar, evidence suggests that their effects are very different.. Harm Reduction Journal..Monday ..
..cancer-promoting effects of smoke are increased by nicotine, while they are reduced by THC
..Bayer .moxifloxacin , be tested against tuberculosis..sells in the United States as Avelox and elsewhere as Avalox, Avelon, Megaxin, Actira and Izilox.
..ciprofloxacin, a related antibiotic ..patent will soon expire.
..Four old antibiotics with expired patents - isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampicin and pyrazinamide - are the mainstays of first-line tuberculosis treatment.. six months.
..moxifloxacin's..relatives ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin ..for a decade to treat multidrug-resistant strains of TB. ..
17 October 2005
.."Climate change models suggest the Sahel should be getting drier but observations suggest it is currently getting wetter," Jon Lovett of the U York .. conference on climate change in Johannesburg.
.."It has cycles.. green during the 1940s - 1960s, but since then it has gone into a dry phase that seems to be ending...research done more than a decade ago linked a wetter Sahel to increased hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico..
It includes Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria and Chad.
..Niger experienced a famine this year brought on by poor rains and locust swarms..
Siemens ..graphic displays onto paper or foil.
..Minority Report showed people reading a newspaper on a single electronic sheet which changed as news broke.. Siemens ..prototype at the Plastic Electronic Trade fair in Frankfurt ..
..The displays are powered using printable batteries which are already available, but they only last a few months, making the screens unsuitable for fast moving content such as video.
..Siemens also says it could be possible to update displays or draw power from localised energy sources using printed antennas.
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