the Meal, Fisk, Bhutan, snow crabs, Taysir Alluni
repeating this because #I have cleared art from my harddisk & cant find the backupCD
#2 smh says this is three boys... I have always thought the central figure was a girl,
indeed the three somewhat resemble me my big sister & brother as we sat on the wooden bench behind the kitchen table, which had a kind of pre-formica yellowish laminate. The kitchen floor had a deep red lino.
Grandad sat at the end of the table to my right (consider me the leftmost figure in the painting)
The Meal or The Bananas Oil on canvas (0,73 x 0,92 m), 1891 Musée d'Orsay, Paris (France)
some PG links: dia fitzmuseum princetonol Les trois petits chiens (Still Life with Three Puppies heindorffhus absoluteig viaartis
Robert Fisk , extracts from his book
"Mr Robert," he said, "from this mountain upon which you are sitting, we broke the Russian army and we destroyed the Soviet Union. And I pray to God that he will permit us to turn the United States into a shadow of itself."
Halliburton dispatches its interns to the Gulf Coast
Creeping militarism leapt into full view with Bush's October 4 request to Congress to repeal the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which prohibits the use of the military in domestic policing except for the purpose of quelling a revolution. Citing the theoretical possibility that Asian avian flu,
Average Iraqui
a star from mosul
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
Snow crabs, for example, appear to be moving away from Alaska, north and west toward Russia, as the sea ice retreats. They depend on nutrients that sink to the bottom from algae growing under the ice.
I AM the federal government. - Tom DeLay, to the owner of Ruth’s Chris Steak House, after being told to put out his cigar because of federal government regulations banning smoking in the building, May 14, 2003
The combination of U.S. government-owned ammo plants and those of U.S. commercial producers together cannot make bullets as fast as U.S. troops are firing them. The Bush administration has had to turn to foreign producers such as Israel Military Industries. Think about that. Hollowed-out U.S. industry cannot produce enough ammunition to defeat a 20,000-man insurgency.
Taysir Alluni: A reporter behind bars
25 January 2005..
..Alluni, who began his career as an Arabic translator for a news agency in Granada, Spain, is credited as being the only journalist based in Afghanistan in October 2001 to show the world what the US war machine was doing to one of the world's poorest countries...working for Aljazeera, Alluni was able to capture images of civilian victims in the destitute villages of Afghanistan and the miserable streets of Kabul. His coverage triggered international outrage over the US action in Afghanistan.
Nicaraguan irony:
Mr. Zoellick announced that the United States would provide more than $4 million to two private American organizations so they can serve as election monitors next year.
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