Wolfow, U239, pellet boiler, klunky, Fallaci, riverbend, BourneJones
Wolfowitz fine-tuned this new world order in, writing: "In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predominant outside power in the region and preserve U.S. and Western access to the region's oil."
The lower the ore grade, the more energy is consumed in the fuel processing, so that the amount of the carbon dioxide released in the overall fuel cycle depends on the ore grade. Only Canada and Australia have ores of a sufficiently high grade to avoid excessive carbon releases and to provide an adequate energy gain. At ore grades below 0.01% for ‘soft’ ores and 0.02% for ‘hard’ ores more CO2 than an equivalent gas-fired station is released and more energy is absorbed in the cycle that is gained in it. Ores of a grade approaching the "crossover" point such as those in India of 0.03%, if used, risk going into negative energy gain if there are a few "hiccups" in the cycle.
The Busby report
politics of climate change

This small block of four flats on a tiny urban infill site in East London shows how the same principles can be used within a typical historic London street. A communal clean burn wood pellet boiler, a micro wind turbine, and wind driven heat recovery ventilators have provided a unique architectural form – at the same time as providing the potential for zero overall annual carbon emissions.
The future looks klunky and grubby.
Klunky because of those rooftop wind turbines wont be noiseless. Every rotating machine gets noisy with age. Houses with heat exchangers will need pumps... more electric motor noise and emf pollution
(most nights I turn off my fridge, I cant tolerate the noisy compressor & pump)
Many fewer jets overhead, many fewer piston engined vehicles passing by, so major noise is down.
Simple ideas like counter-current heat exchangers on shower drains can save heaps, but there is a lot of messy maintenance involved. Grey water pipes get scum buildup, particularly if slowed in heat exchangers. Semi-annual scum & slime removal?
Composting toilets depend on electric fans to (pre)vent sulphurous fumes. Which fans will emit (slight) noise and require biannual replacement - it had better be easy. When your vent fan fails, the crapper gets fairly foul on windless days.
Grubby because most of the days will be spent in weeding and manual pest removal. (Pesticides cause Parkinsons). Squash those caterpillars with a rock. A lot of time will be spent monitoring...temperature of composts, dryness of soils, pathogens in recycled water and wastes, status of pumps and filters, acidity and salinity of soils, beneficial fungi and bacteria in soil. Half the day will be spent monitoring and poking about in the garden. Havana grows 60% of its vegetables in urban plots, old tyres,tubs, any thing that will hold a plant. Seems like a lot of time required. However it only looks that way to those who commute to offices in the financial district, where they mostly manipulate files and databases.
Folly to actually travel to, centres formed near the sailing ship wharves in bygone eras when radio was unknown. Files can be manipulated from Bangalore quite nicely thankyou.
The most hated change will be forced face-to-face with the neighbours. Its that old nosy gossiping village, which the world has spent centuries attempting to flee. People love to hop in a car and zoom away from the people next door. Happiness can't be pursued, it only arrives when forced upon us. Once stuck in a Barrio, forced to deal with the locals, its only when you escape you realise how dense was the experience, how flash and shallow is the deracinated fast lane.

A judge in ..Bergamo. has ordered that Oriana Fallaci stand trial on charges of public defamation against Islam.
The case follows a lawsuit..by..Adel Smith over her book The Strength of Reason.. Nicoli said, citing a phrase from the book that refers to Islam as "a pool ... that never purifies".
"Fallaci did her best to propagandise hatred against Islam and Muslims, distorting real historical facts and inventing others," Smith added in a written statement.
"She libeled, offended and defamed many times the Muslims all over the world."
..Fallaci wrote that Muslims "multiply like rats" and said "the children of Allah spend their time with their bottoms in the air, praying five times a day".
..In 2002, her best-selling essay The Rage and The Pride also drew accusations that Fallaci was inciting hatred against Muslims.
AP .............
Times change, it once was that Roman Catholics were those accused of multiplying.
OF has aged even worse than BBardot. OF wrote the defining book on the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo space program "If the sun dies" - She said that Gus Grissom and the others that burned in the Apollo Oxygen were the only fun astronauts. NeilA was dullsville. Well, in her dotage Oriana has become that most boring of beasts, the bigot. Even duller than Neil. Meanwhile the Italians are among the least likely to be accused of multiplying like any kind of mammal.
riverbend in Baghdad
Cars are making me very nervous lately. All cars look suspicious- small ones and large ones. Old cars and new cars. Cars with drivers and cars parked in front of restaurants and shops. They all have a sinister look to them these days.
A flickr person has posted a heap of "classical" art, some in decent sizes:
BourneJones BourneJones BourneJones
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