Fiji, Pattaya, Factoring
Copy of a posting on Bowallyroad that appeares on Google Reader, but not on the actual blogsite.
A technical rss thing? A regret by Chris Trotter? Censorship by a secret cabal of all-white male judges?
I hope I am not breaching any agreements that Chris may have made to cease to criticise White Judges & Kiwipolitico
bowalleyroad - this link broken??? Apr 11, 2009??
ONE can only admire the intellectual consistency of "Lew" at Kiwipolitico. His condemnation of Fiji's military rulers' entirely predictable response to the neo-colonialist diktat of the all-white (and Australian to boot!) judges of the Fijian Court of Appeal, is all of a piece with his energetic defence of the equally disconnected judgements of the NZ Geographic Board.
"Lew" is, after all, the same man who sneeringly refers to his fellow countrymen as "settlers" - happily echoing the ideas of the kupapa pakeha responsible for allowing the politically reactionary agenda of Maori nationalism to gain such firm purchase in this country's key institutions.
When the most progressive elements of the Fijian people, having been prevented from modernising their country by democratic means, resort to the force majeure of military intervention to achieve their goals, one might have hoped the likes of "Lew" would offer their solidarity and support.
Especially when the government overthrown by Commodore Frank Bainimarama was itself the product of a coup d'etat staged by para-military forces bought-and-paid-for by external commercial interests, and facilitated by a reactionary gaggle of self-serving hereditary chiefs and right-wing Methodist fundamentalists.
etc etc
I am somewhat startled to hear that Commodore Frank is a left hero. I was dismayed in Auckland, in 1987 to hear (from an Austrian woman) that the Rabuka coup was in line with Maori land rights, because the ethnic Indians were not indigenous, and had too much economic power. This from a Viennese woman who said that before WWII Jews owned all the banks in Austria. Was there a certain consistency there? I evidently lack learning in critical aspects of Fijian politics. As I also lack learning in the correct spelling of Nova Zeelandia
Trotters full post is preserved at
Lew 'Kiwipolitico' has a rather tedious 'analysis' of Fiji & Thailand. which says nothing at all. Trotter at least drops hints of an analysis in his (now deleted) rant
If forced to choose sides, I'll go with Trotter against lefthandpalm & Kiwipolitico.
Thats despite Trotters tacky christian bad-art posts. I wish he wouldnt. I had enough sentimental sacred bleeding heart of Jesus as an altar boy holding bibles for grumpy bishops.
Its unbecoming for a serious lefty to post saccherine xtian art.
What is the world coming to if a bunch of Potentates and PrimeMinisters cant spend a weekend in a hotel at a fading Sex&Sand resort. Oddly, I have never been to Pattaya, despite my predeliction for B-Girls & fleshpots. Perhaps I will attempt a dignified posture, just like RNZ announcers, by pretending to not know how to pronounce Pattaya correctly, as if to say "what?, a seedy sex resort? never heard of it"
Factoring is not NP-complete, may not even be hard...rjlipton
couple of years ago, while on a panel at a conference, Adi Shamir stated that he thought that public-key crypto-systems would be broken in the next decade. He based this on the terrific work that the Chinese have already done in breaking hash functions. We’ll see.
I used to understand complexity, sort-of, back when I had the fastest Miller-Rabin around.
Brilliant graphics, in this case about imigratiuon to usa -
I'm not so much interested in migrants, I am more interested in great ways to visualise data
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