Gaza, Ukraine, Brainbox
Saturday, January 03, 2009
We just came back from a protest in Durham...before we left my father called to let me know a land invasion was imminent, and that a bomb had been destroyed near them...
He just now informed me that a land invasion HAS BEGUN. Everyone is bracing themselves.
1/1/2009 Russia Cut Off Gas Supplies to Ukraine -- JO
We're going to be saying Uh Oh! a lot. This is very serious in terms of potentital for loss of life. FTW's pages are filled with stories not only about the Ukraine and Russia but about how Britain -- at the end of the Russian gas food chain -- has between 30,000 and 50,000 "excess deaths" each winter. "Excess deaths" are situtations where the poor and the elderly must choose between feeding coins into heat-vending radiators... or eating. A disruption in Russian gas to Europe could result (especially in this economy) in 100,000 or more British deaths and who knows how many more from France to Holland, to Belgium, to Germany, to Denmark, to the Czech Republic to...mikeruppert
Clearly this is the die-off scenario we did not want to see. The "free" markets at work. The Ukraine/Russia tension also holds fertile seedsa nuclear confrontation in short order. At this point I cannot rule out a Russian military occupation of Ukraine.
Zyliss salad spinner
because NZ hands are so faecal.
Brainbox electronics kits
nifty toys
Up Tinakori Hill this am, because a calm, clear, Sunday was forecast
Sunrose over the Orongorongos in a line through the centre of the cake-tin and Mt Crawford Prison at 6:06:42 (official sunrise 5:53)
A car delivery freighter tugged in, a strait ferry left. Three big pines fallen across the track since I last climbed it.
Eyeless in Gaza at the Mill with slaves
OccupyingZionistEntity (OZE) attacks elected Hamas, thus clearly revealing that democracy is not to be tolerated amidst slaves.
One important effect will be to emasculate the Obama administration. The entire world will see, immediately after inauguration day, that Barak (thats the USAniac one) cares nought for Human Rights and Justice, when he promptly resupplies OZE with cluster munitions.
Its a puzzle. al-Qaeda made 2 demands:
1) remove USAniac troops from the land of the two shrines.
2) Justice in Palestine.
USA promptly obeyed #1, but cant bring itself to implement #2. whats the deal?
OZE presents young spokeswomen apologists, in an attempt to soften war crimes. In actuality setting back feminism, although most women heads of state outside NZ and Sri Lanka have lead their nations into war, so the female as gentle hasnt been believable for decades.
OZE continues its effective propaganda of releasing 'cool' videos of coffin being lowered into the grave. Hamas releases videos of angry men carrying childrens bodies, a 'hot' image, less effective propaganda.
The grotesque high-tech USAniac weaponry unleashed casts a shadow into the future... any revenge, no matter how great or horrifying, will be seen as justified.
Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails.
And when he had set the brands on fire, he let them go into the standing corn of the Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standing corn, with the vineyards and olives.
I guess the uncircumcised Philistines here might be the thousands of Russians who have entered OZE in recent years, waving dubious papers claiming Jew grandmothers. OZE is now well known as a gangster state running sex slaves and drugs.
Though ye have done this, yet will I be avenged of you
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