Mike Ruppert, General Odom, Chalmers Johnson, David Duke
To my big brother on his 60th birthday
- we used to share a bedroom, me on the top bunk.
Hi Bro,
Happy birthday,
is it really 60 years?
I havnt got a camera for the computer, so I'll probably just call you from home.
I havnt been paid for Nov or Dec, so it looks like this company is going down the gurgler.
Maybe I can get a retiree visa in RP, they have them for Thailand. Its a question of pension residence requirements, which I know naught about. It surely wont be a long retirement with rum at $1.30 and cigs at 90c. Way to keep the people quiet. And cheerful. Until the big C, at which point we move to Mumbai, which I'm told is where you can buy morphine, now that Chaing Mai is drig-free. Comprehensive retirement plans, I oughta start a business steering old folk into pleasant climes. Actually I would recommend a sea-side place, for the fish. Not too close to any tourist beaches. City barrios lack food-growing spaces. Half of my banana trees have gone down in typhoons, the other half get pinched early. My hipag sister and her girlfriend R, and their 3 kids have apparently arrived in my house. R was working in a bar in Mindoro, apparently a moralist crusade has closed all the bars there. At least when you're having a coup d etat you dont tend to get these morals campaigns. There were 5 or 6 kids already in the house. They were getting good school results, but we may have to cancel all that, and revert to 'Dora the Explorer' as the sole source of education. I dont care enough about literacy to subsidize a whole village to school. Some guy just knocked at the door here at work asking for donations for bowel cancer research or some such. Having a house in a poor country gives me very little patience for any kind of begging in a rich country like Aus. Bowel cancer research can take a running jump, even though its the thing most likely to kill me. If a rich State wont support medical research, and Bill & Melinda arent around, then to hell with it.
Heres some advice:
N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600mg and kyolic garlic capsules taken before drinking, will prevent hangovers. Also keep up the Lecethin, it may prevent the dreaded brain shrinkage. Or not.
Who really cares?
Mike Ruppert was successfully moved from Venezuela to Canada on November 18th. He is currently in the greater Toronto area and receiving medical care and rest thanks to dedicated Peak Oil activists. I
Personally, I am through forever with investigative journalism and public lecturing. I am leaving public life. It is my hope that by continuing to repeat this sincere position that many of the inexplicable difficulties which have dominated my life over the past months will ease.
- eat your Polonium/Dioxin soup and shutup Mike...
Six Brutal Truths About Iraq
Wed, 20 Dec 2006
Truth No. 1: No “deal” of any kind can be made among the warring parties in Iraq that will bring stability and order, even temporarily.
Truth No. 2: There was no way to have “done it right” in Iraq so that U.S. war aims could have been achieved.
Truth No. 3: The theory that “we broke it and therefore we own it,” with all the moral baggage it implies, is simply untrue because it is not within U.S. power to “fix it.”
Truth No. 4: The demand that the administration engage Iran and Syria directly, asking them to help stabilize Iraq, is patently naïve or cynically irresponsible until American forces begin withdrawing – and rapidly – so that there is no ambiguity about their complete and total departure.
Truth No. 5: The United States cannot prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
Truth No. 6: It is simply not possible to prevent more tragic Iraqi deaths in Iraq.
By William E. Odom
Republished from Nieman Watchdog
And I remind every educated Muslim that his role in confronting the Zionist Crusade is to bear arms. If he cannot, then he must support and serve those who are bearing them, and he must speak the truth to the faces of the idol-kings, tyrants and arrogant ones, and mention them by name: i.e., he must say that Hosni Mubarak, Al Saud, and Ibn Hussein are puppets and traitors. This is his role, and not to prattle and prevaricate or seek his livelihood in writing and interviews
see a USA soldier's hand flying
Chalmers Johnson discusses “military Keynesianism,” in which “the flow of the nation’s wealth — from taxpayers and (increasingly) foreign lenders through the government to military contractors and (decreasingly) back to the taxpayers.” As a result, “the domestic economy requires sustained military ambition in order to avoid recession or collapse.”
When Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” he replied: “A republic if you can keep it.” We’ve not been paying attention to what we need to do to keep it. I think we made a disastrous error in the classic strategic sense when in 1991 we concluded that we “had won the Cold War.” No. We simply didn’t lose it as badly as the Soviets did. We were both caught up in imperial overreach,
c/o mahablog
marijuana better at suppressing clumping ..
Oct. 2 Molecular Pharmaceutics.
..THC might inhibit acetylcholinesterase ( AChE)
AChE is known to help accelerate the formation amyloid plaques during Alzheimer's.
THC could completely prevent AChE from forming amyloid plaques, while two drugs approved for use against Alzheimer's, donepezil and tacrine, reduced clumping by only 22 and 7 percent, at twice the concentration of THC used ..
USA 10,000 tonnes of marijuana worth $35.8bn is grown each year;.. $23bn-worth of corn grown, $17.6bn-worth of soybeans and $12.2bn-worth of hay.
Pump that heart:
..changing Cardiopulmonary Resuscition to Cardiocerebral in cardiac arrest cases can improve survival rates 300%. Outside hospital cardiac arrest emergencies now show a 2-3% survival rate.
..the chest compression component is more effective than was the mouth-to-mouth part of the process.
..Compress the chest [1.5-2 in 100/minute] and continue to give 30, yes 30, compressions to 2 mouth-to-mouth air transfers. ..
we are dying right now for israel...
David Duke speaks
Blitzer of course is a Jewish extremist employee of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the extremist Israel lobby that threatens and bribes thousands of politicians across America. Two officers of AIPAC are now on trial for espionage against the United States of America.
Viktor Kolár, Untitled, 1980. From Ostrava, 1965-present
Mike Ruppert, General OdomChalmers Johnson, David Duke
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