Iraq army, graceful exit, E-Passport, Daniel Smith, Hemp seed
plans to let the Iraqis take the lead in the battle were quickly scrapped.
"It started out that way," Baxter said. "But five minutes into it, we had to take over."
Staffed with veterans of the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s and equipped with a complement of refurbished Soviet tanks and American Humvees, the 4,000-soldier 9th division is considered Iraq's best hope for an eventual U.S. troop withdrawal.
But confusion swiftly reigned as insurgents in Fadhil pummeled dismounted Iraqi troops and their American advisors.
Hopeless Iraq army
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The overwhelmingly Shiite Muslim military force at the forefront of U.S. and Iraqi plans to secure one of the nation's most fractious provinces is accused of arresting hundreds of Sunni men on little or no evidence, threatening to rape a suspect's wife to coerce a confession, and intimidating its commander's critics, according to interviews with Iraqi and U.S. officials.
GWB43 speaks the truth:
"This business about 'graceful exit' just simply has no realism to it whatsoever."
A troll in Wamonthly is demanding to see documentary evidence that people were against the Iraq war from the start. In the world outside the USA this was the default position.
For the record 5/Dec/2006 1:26PM I'm against the Iraq war, always was. I'm against bombing or invasion of Iran. I'm against Israel bombing and shelling Lebanon and Gaza.
I'm shocked by Iraq death squads, purported to be Shia. I suspect USA has instigated & trained much of the death squads in Iraq. I have no evidence of this, except for history.
my post in Wamonthly:
I was UNconvinced by those "biological warfare" trucks with loose canvas sides. (They were hydrogen generators for weather balloons).
I never felt the need to state "I'm against this war" - being outside USA and walking with tens of thousands of protestors, it just went without saying. Who new that 46 months later people would be demanding to see evidence that I wasnt a blind USAnian idiot believing pathetic drivel about Niger yellowcake and Aluminium tubes. I mean it was all so trivially evidently trumped up.
I was quoting Conservative magazine:
Pat Buchanan:
"We charge that a cabal of polemicists and public officials seek to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America's interests,"
on 23Apr03
new link
E-Passport: Doorway to the Panopticon
president and chief executive officer of Greater New Orleans Inc... Without insurance, we have a calamity. We cannot exist as a business community without insurance."
Let me get this straight: Capital depends on the limited liability corporation.
the LLC depends on Insurance. Capital cannot come to the aid of drowning multitudes, because Insurance corporations demur. Capital will leave us all to drown.
04Dec06 Dili
One man has been hacked to death and 17 injured, as rival gangs with machetes and knives fought overnight in Dili, East Timor's
A US marine has been convicted of raping a (23-year-old )Filipina and sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Lance Corporal Daniel Smith, 21, was also ordered to pay $2,000 to the defendant for raping her while she was drunk.
Raul Gonzalez, the Philippine justice minister "The US seems to be indicating they want to bring Smith to Okinawa for another trial, trial by the US court,"
He said Smith should be held in Philippine custody, but acknowledged that, under the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), the US could seek custody of the convicted serviceman.
.. Smith is the first American soldier to be convicted of wrongdoing in the Philippines since Manila closed down US bases in the early 1990s.
- the NYT seems to be saying that DS is in USA custody now. The sentence described as life.
RP judges rulings are widely said to be for sale. On the supremecourt
you can read judges statements. In one case, a boy given the death penalty for raping his 14yr old sister. No penetration was detected, but the judge declared that placing the penis near the vagina amounted to rape. The judge also said that no girl would lie, and no mother would coach her daughter to lie, so neither argument could be a defence. I understand that there is a $ bonus for a rape victims family. I dont know if the boy was executed, recently RP abolished the death penalty.
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Iraq army, graceful exit, E-Passport, Daniel Smith, Hemp seed
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