Pilger trashes Geldof & Bono, Resistance encryption, shaped charges, Pape
Pilger tells it like it is, Geldorf & Bono as court jesters...
The front page of the London Observer on 12 June announced, "55 billion Africa debt deal 'a victory for millions'."
..The illusion of an anti establishment crusade led by pop stars - a cultivated, controlling image of rebellion - serves to dilute a great political movement of anger
..It is a fraud .. Entirely conditional on vicious, discredited economic programmes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF..
.. debt relief to poor countries will be granted only if they are shown "adjusting their gross assistance flows by the amount given": in other words, their aid will be reduced by the same amount as the debt relief. So they gain nothing. Paragraph Two states that "it is essential" that poor countries "boost private sector development" and ensure "the elimination of impediments to private investment, both domestic and foreign".
.. At present, for every 1 dollar of "aid" to Africa, 3 dollars are taken out by western banks, institutions and governments, and that does not account for the repatriated profit of transnational corporations. Take the Congo. Thirty-two corporations, all of them based in G8 countries, dominate the exploitation of this deeply impoverished, minerals-rich country, ..
.. Blair could not give two flying faeces for the people of Africa... his "department for international development" was forcing, by the back door, privatisation of water supply in Ghana for the benefit of British investors...
..Coalition has announced the killing of .. 15,000 insurgents over the past year.
..recently estimated that between 12,000 and 20,000 insurgents remain active.
..1,000 foreign jihadists, 500 homegrown Iraqi jihadists, between 15,000 and 30,000 former regime elements and as many as 400,000 auxiliaries and support personnel. Those figures don't count gangster organizations operating "in at least 12 of the 18 provinces."
..The Pentagon, at frantic speed and high cost, equipped its forces with jammers to block those signals.. The insurgents adapted swiftly by sending a continuous radio signal to the IED; when the signal stops or is jammed, the bomb explodes. The solution? Track the signal and make sure it continues. Problem: the signal is encrypted. Now the Americans are grappling with the task of cracking the encryption on the fly and mimicking it..so far, without success.
.. The CIA produced a study this May on a topic so sensitive that even the title is classified. .. jihadists in Iraq are getting direct, on-the-job training in a real-life insurgency
..main points is that America's Iraqi troubles will not end with the insurgency. In effect, Iraq is producing a new corps of master terrorists with an incandescent hatred for the United States ..the "class of '05 problem,"
June 21 - American casualties from bomb attacks in Iraq have reached new heights in the last two months as insurgents have begun to deploy devices that leave armored vehicles increasingly vulnerable..
Last month there were 700 attacks against American forces using ..I.E.D.'s, the highest number since the invasion ..
..significant advancements in bomb design, including the use of "shaped" charges that ..Another change..the detonation of explosives by infrared lasers,..bypassing electronic jammers ..
I.E.D.'s of all types caused 33 American deaths in May, and there have been at least 35 fatalities so far in June, the highest toll over a two-month period, according to statistics assembled by Iraq Coalition Casualty Count .. IED..now account for 70 percent of American casualties ..
. Still, five marines were killed this week near Ramadi, about 70 miles west of Baghdad, when their vehicle hit an I.E.D. Earlier this month, five marines were killed after their vehicle struck a bomb in Haqlaniya, about 150 miles northwest of Baghdad.
A senior Marine officer with access to classified reports from the field said that the vehicles involved in the two fatal attacks were armored Humvees but that the bombs "were so big that there was little left
of the Humvees that were hit."
June 21, 2005
Somebody, please, send Robert Pape's book to Bush. Pape, the director of the Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism at the University of Chicago, has arrived at a conclusion Bush needs to understand, although it is contrary to what he believes, or what he tells us he believes. "Suicide bombings are part of a conscious strategy that has a record of success in other places...
And outside Iraq it doesnt need a suicide: Simply buy an old car for cash, drive it into a bunch of US stormtroopers on R&R, drive away and burn the car . Bingo, you kill a bunch and get to laugh about it afterwoods.
bush twins
family tree: http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/graphics/polstrikes_bushfamily.jpg
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