MRSA, Obesity, Evolution, Golf, Salamander, Venter, Kozintsev, Robin White
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) increasing in the community..
threadworms in Aus & NZ are dismayingly common, indicate widespread diffusion of hand-carried germ. When I live in the Barrio, no taps, no handbasins, piles of kids everywhere, lots of lice, but I never get threadworms,
washing instead of wiping seems to be the key...
The real worry is Hep, or Staph...
deaths from the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus ('staph infections') have exceeded AIDS/HIV deaths in the U.S.
Fatter is fitter... BMI over 25 may be safer... my BMI being under 24, I'm not optimum weight...
..100,000 fewer deaths among the overweight [USA of course?] in 2004, the most recent year for which data were available, than would have expected if those people had been of normal weight.
OTOH World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) are saying that BMI sub 23 is safest. So major contradiction... I dont belong in either study's safe zone.
WCRF say dont take supplements (except folate?) I seem to notice that nearly every scientist who studies supplements takes a bunch. [Vit A is dangerous to smokers... excess Vit D may be dangerous, but 20 minutes in the sun makes 10,000IU]
High Speed Evolution
Loose talk about belief, but maybe Miraculous Intervention crew, and Lyn Margulis and her Symbiogeneticist crew could take a gander at: Species forming in quick time (ie tens of thousands of years)
Thomas D. Kocher, a professor of zoology U New Hampshire
The high rates of speciation [evolution of new species] observed in these African cichlids are almost beyond belief, but the evidence is clear
Golf as Toxic Biophilia
Gary Player..named as the designer of the Pun Hlaing course in Rangoon. His website boasted that he had turned "a 650-acre rice paddy into The Pride of Myanmar".
Clouded Leopard: a new species in Sumatra? Borneo? both?
Right where the biofuel plantations are planned?
The pelt pattern appears to be at some extreme of the spot-forming process.
330Ma Salamander shapes
Craig Venter interview
Craig is sailing about the world, finding millions of virus and bacteria every time he throws a bucket over the side.
Shreeve, J The Genome War is a good read about the race for the human genomesequence
Grigori Kozintsev’s
(1964, same year as Burton's film of his dress rehearsal)`
On the Beach at Bikenibeu
Robin White and her husband Mike Fudakowski, who shifted to Masterton in 1999 after 17 years living the island life in Kiribati... their Baha’i faith that led them to Kiribati..
Her father, Albert Tikitu White, a carpenter of Ngati Awa
T E Lawrence used a pseudonym because DHL was so notorious
Aczel has written a book on Teilhard De Chardin
The Jesuit and the Skull
not getting great reviews
I wanted to write a thriller about those 2 crates of Peking Man bones that disappeared in China in 1941
MRSA, Obesity, Evolution, Golf, Salamander, Venter, Kozintsev, Robin White
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