5 of 7 Lost posts from June 2004
none on the web
Auckland Museum has some.
Regarded as non PC, the WMIRG
(White Make Imperialist Racist Gaze)
I maintain that Iles subjects have their own space and power,
but this view may never regain be popularity.
Half Coconut bras are perhaps the most prototypical
absurd WMIRG idea, except when adopted by Polynesian
women themselves, in an ironic reference perhaps?
(see 30May04 pics below)
"I express my deep regret because Reagan died before facing justice for his ugly crime that he committed in 1986 against the Libyan children,"
On Reagan's watch 200,000 Mayans were massacred in Guatemala,
with the connivance of Negroponte, who is still around,
and the assistance of Israeli and Argentinean torture trainers.
US backed terrorists overthrew the Sandinista in Nicaragua.
A hundred thousand died at the hands of death squads in El Salvador
with Reagans blessing.
I left the USA shortly after Reagan came in.
Didnt bother waiting for my green card.
Not going back in this lifetime.
Wash. Times:
"Sedition laws almost surely would be found unconstitutional, currently
-- although things may change after the next terrorist attack in America.
3 of the past 4 CENTCOM commanders
General Joseph Hoar, 1991-1994: "I think that the neo-conservatives had their day, by selling to
the President the need for invasion of Iraq. I think it's now time for a clean sweep and it has
been for some time, in my judgment, to get rid of these people."
General Anthony Zinni, 1997-2000: (believes Wolfowitz and Feith, the undersecretary of defense, have hijacked U.S. foreign policy:) "In the lead-up to the Iraq war and its later conduct, I saw, at
minimum, true dereliction, negligence and irresponsibility;
at worst, lying, incompetence and corruption."
General Tommy Franks, 2000-2003: Doug Feith is "the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth."
General Binford Peay III, CENTCOM commander from 1994-1997, seems to have maintained a studious
silence..chairman..of a..contractor that,.. provides ammunition for the Army's Stryker brigades.
albawaba no longer has head picture?? .. maybe here:
"Five Special Forces soldiers have committed suicide during the war on terrorism .
..four of the five had been taking mefloquine just prior to their suicides."
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