Great Calderic lakes I have swum in:
Taupo, Toba, Atitlan
km² 622 1140 130
Are there other caldera lakes more than 100km²?
The Toba area includes the central Islamd of Samosir...
-home to the Batak people, who have a wonderful shouted greeting "Horas!"
which is rather stimulating when given by someone approaching
along the narrow berm between two paddies in the evening.
In 1979 you could rent an entire wonderful Batak house for a dollar
The local children sang Christion hymns in the evening,
Apparently the Jakarta Govt insists that everyone be Monotheist,
so the Bataks went Christion, just to annoy Jakarta,
Various stone platforms still existing indicated some
rather recent other kinds of worship.
Onward travellers included only anthropologists and
surfers heading for Nias,which had a remianing animist culture
and a good reef break.
In Prapat I was offered a set of
5 pentatonic drums for "a hundred" dollars,
museum grade now, I suppose.
Toba  Toba
blew up 75,000 ybp and lifted 2,800 km³ , the only
really big bang which homo sap may have witnessed.
   Taupo, Ruapehu in the distance 26,500 ybp 800 km³
181 CE 100 km³ the most violent eruption in the last 5000 years
84,000 ybp 250km³
Toxic Biophilia is where you feel youre getting close to nature,
but you are actually in a fantasy of oil and toxic chemicals.
Like golf, 4WD cars, lawns, leafblowers, Jetskis,
Resorts with swimming pools.
Growing kiwiFruit... fill in the rest yourself.
I was amazed to learn that even Macadamia nuts require
massive amounts of pesticides, despite having a woodey shell.
A neighbour to a plantation swore that the sprays had
produces mutant forms of insects not seen before.
- He was innocuously exporting native flowers,
the parent stock obtained by secret incursions into
national parks.
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